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Theoretical Chemistry & Molecular Quantum Dynamics

Oriol VendrellProf. Dr. Oriol Vendrell

Scientific Director

Theoretical Chemistry
Im Neuenheimer Feld 229
69120 Heidelberg

Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 54 5215





since 2021 Dean of Students (Studiendekan), Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
since 2018 Chair of Theoretical Chemistry, Heidelberg University
2016-2018 Associate Professor of Physics, Aarhus University
2010-2016 Senior Scientist and Group Leader, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science and DESY, Hamburg
2005-2010 Postdoctoral Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt & Marie Curie), Heidelberg University
2005 PhD in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Autonomous University of Barcelona


Research interests:

  • Ultrafast molecular science
  • Molecule-light interaction
  • Non-adiabatic phenomena
  • Time-resolved spectroscopies
  • Dynamics of highly excited molecules and clusters
  • Method development, molecular quantum dynamics in the framework the MCTDH method and its multilayer-MCTDH generalisation

List of publications: OV

List of publications: research group

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Latest Revision: 2021-10-12
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