Theoretical Chemistry Group Heidelberg
Ab initio Greens function theory is a major research area of our group. The figure shows some Feynman diagrams for the polarisation propagator in third order. See, for example, Ref.4 of our list of selected references. |
AK Vendrell
AK Cederbaum
- Contact: Postal address, secretary's office, etc.
- How to reach us
- Master/Ph.D. theses
Information for Members
- Weekly group seminar
- Local information
- University of Heidelberg
- Institute of Physical Chemistry
- University Library
- Computer Centre
- Theoretical Chemistry links
Conferences and Events
- 4th - 5th November 2016: Symposium in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Lorenz Cederbaum on 'Electrons and nuclei in motion - correlation and dynamics in molecules'
- 6th - 8th September 2009: Indo-German Workshop on 'Electronically Excited Molecules: Structure and Dynamics'
- 17.11.2006: Symposium "Electron Correlation and Multimode Quantum Dynamics in Molecules" in honour of L.S. Cederbaum's 60th birthday. More..
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