Collaborative projects
Cluster of Excellence: 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O)
The Cluster of Excellence is a collaboration of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University (Uni HD). It pursues an interdisciplinary approach through conjunction of natural, engineering, and social sciences. 3DMM2O establishes scalable digital 3D Additive Manufacturing transcending from the molecular to the macroscopic scale.
This approach converts digital information into functional materials, devices and systems “made to order.” 3DMM2O creates a powerful technology push and pull by treating molecular materials, technologies and applications as indissolubly intertwined. On the technology side, the scientific challenges are “finer, faster, and more”, i.e., advance molecular materials and technologies in terms of resolution, speed, and multi-material printing by orders of magnitude. On the application side, we aim at functional 3D hybrid optical and electronic systems, 3D artificial materials called metamaterials, and at reconstructing functioning organotypic systems by using 3D scaffolds for cell culture.

Research training group: Mixed Ionic-Electronic Transport (RTG 2948)
The research training group “Mixed Ionic-Electronic Transport: From Fundamentals to Applications” (RTG 2948) explores how ions and electrons interact with each other in organic, hybrid and nanoscale materials.
Our aim is to create and understand mixed ionic-electronic conductors with new functionalities for sensors, soft actuators and bioelectronics. We are investigating the fundamental nature of ionic-electronic interactions in organic, hybrid and nanoscale materials and their impact on optical, electronic and mechanical properties with a wide range of experimental techniques as well as modelling from the atomistic level to the macroscale.

Collaborative Research Center: Isolated quantum systems and universality in extreme conditions (SFB 1225)
The CRC 1225 ISOQUANT, is a Heidelberg-based Collaborative Research Center, combining researchers with a shared interest: quantum systems in extreme conditions. Over the past years, quantum systems in extreme conditions have become a unifying research theme, crossing traditional lines of specialization from high-energy and nuclear physics to atomic and condensed matter physics. We bring researchers from these different fields together to ask closely related questions – and sometimes even the same ones – for their very distinct physical platforms. Together, the synergies help us to give more complete answers to outstanding questions than individual systems could provide. Much progress is achieved in this way, opening up new perspectives on long-standing problems.

Collaborative Research Center: FUNCTIONAL-Π-SYSTEMS (SFB 1249)
The aim of this research consortium is the development of novel organic functional materials with specifically tunable electronic properties and their application as photoactive components and organic semiconductors. The concept is based on the N « CH isosteric relationship (as well as NH « [CH]– isosterism) in combination with the number and ring size of condensed heteropolycycles in order to specifically tailor their electronic and optical properties while leaving their molecular shapes unchanged.