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Theoretical Chemistry Seminar

Quantum Dynamics and Electronic Structure of Molecular Systems

TC Seminar Schedule Winter Semester 2018/19




  01.10.18  Remigo Cabrera-Trujillo, UNAM, Mexico, presently Gothenburg
 Electron-Nuclear dynamics in atomic and molecular collision:
 Charge transfer and energy deposition processes
 05.11.18  Frank Lepine, CNRS, Institut Lumière matière, Lyon, France
 Attosecond and femtosecond dynamics in Carbon-based molecules
 excited by a short XUV pulse :
 Role of electron correlation and non-Born-Oppenheimer dynamics
 Tucker Carrington, Kingston, Canada, presently Bielefeld
 Using MCTDH with collocation
 12.11.18  Fabien Gatti, Paris
 Joined experimental/theoretical study of the control of the ring
 opening in spiropyrane molecules: role of the quantum interferences
 26.11.18  Melanie Schnell, DESY, Hamburg   canceled, moved to 28.01.19
 Femtosecond resolved fragmentation dynamics of polycyclic aromatic
 hydrocarbons of astrochemical importance
 10.12.18  Raphael Beinke, Heidelberg
 Excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates by many-body linear response
 14.01.19  Henrik Koch, Pisa   canceled, moved to next semester
 Quantum electrodynamics coupled cluster method (QED-CC)
 21.01.19  Niels Engholm Henriksen, Copenhagen
 Laser-induced Quantum Control of Molecular Processes
 28.01.19  Melanie Schnell, DESY, Hamburg
 Femtosecond resolved fragmentation dynamics of polycyclic aromatic
 hydrocarbons of astrochemical importance
 04.02.19  Akbar Salam, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem,
 North Carolina, USA,  presently Freiburg
 Molecular QED Theory of Resonance Energy Transfer


As a rule, seminars take place on Monday, 14:15, in the Seminarraum, INF 229,
1. OG., Room 110.

Past seminar schedules

Latest Revision: 2019-01-09