Analyse is a set of programs able to extract data of interest
from the results of an MCTDH calculation. In essence, there is a
library of modules providing an interface to the MCTDH program
output. These modules can be then built into programs as
required. The documentation is in two parts: Firstly the various
programs for computing observable quantities are described, and
secondly the various shell-scripts for plotting the results using
the Gnuplot program are detailed.
The programs can be compiled using the shell script
$MCTDH_DIR/bin/compile. Type:
to produce the executable $MCTDH_DIR/bin/$MCTDH_PLATFORM/ progname<ver>, where progname is the name of one of the analysis programs (e.g. overlap or autospec). Typing
compile progname
will compile all the analysis programs.
compile analyse
The compile script has various options (type compile -h for a list). For example, to produce the exectuable $MCTDH_DIR/bin/$MCTDH_PLATFORM/overlap<ver> d (e.g. overlap86d) with debug information, type
compile -d overlap
For more information on the compile script, see Compiling the programs.
NB: All programs are usually compiled when the package is
All program names have the version number appended to them, e.g. the overlap program from version 8 release 6 is called overlap86. The following programs exist:
Below the options of each analyse program are described. This information can also be obtained by using the -h option, e.g.
The information given there is a little bit more reliable since the on-line documentation might not be up to date in some cases.
aoverlap86 -h
Purpose: Calculates the diabatic and adiabatic population. And also one or two dimensional adiabatic densities. Usage: adpop86 [OPTIONS] [Degrees of Freedom] Options : -i DIR : data is stored in directory DIR -f FILE : the PSI is read from FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -d FILE : the DVR is read from FILE rather than from ./dvr The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -p FILE : the PES is read from FILE rather than from ./pes The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -o FILE : The output is written to file FILE rather than to ./adp The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e. -o no, no output file will be written. -r : The PSI is read from restart file rather than from ./psi -n num : only the first num WFs are read from psi-file. -skip m : the first m WFs are skipped. -step step : Compute the population only every step-th WF. -tcut tcut : Compute the population only at time tcut. -w : Overwrite the output-file adp. -q : The quick algorithm is used. -mc : Monte-Carlo integration is used. -noq : Quick algorithm not used with MC. -qtol qtol : The quick algorithm cutoff set to qtol. -mctol mctol : The Monte-Carlo convergence set to mctol. Defaults: qtol=1.0d-6, mctol=1.0d-3 -sleazy : qtol and mctol relaxed to: qtol=1.0d-4, mctol=1.0d-1 -tight : qtol and mctol tightened to: qtol=1.0d-8, mctol=1.0d-3 -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. A pes file is needed. It can be generated by running mctdh with -pes option. If an exact WF is used then the pes file must be in exact representation too! If there are two electronic states and if -mc is not set, then adpop computes the off-diagonal element of the electronic density matrix as well. The arguments "Degrees of Freedom" have to be replaced by the names of the degrees of freedom for which densities are to be calculated. To calculate 2-dim densities separate the two DOF with a comma. EXAMPLES: adpop86 dof1 adpop86 dof3,dof4 adpop86 dof1 dof2 dof3,dof4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The adpop86 program is used to calculate the
populations of the electronic states. This is done for the
diabatic and for the adiabatic wavefunction. The results are
stored in the file adp for each time step. The data can
be plotted with plgen. Also one and two dimensional densities can
be calculated with adpop86. The densities are stored in
the adp_dof* and
adp_dof*_dof* files where
dof* is replaced by the name of the corresponding degree
of freedom. The densities are calculated with and without
NB: adpop needs a pes file that can be generated with mctdh using the
-pes option. Further adpop need a dvr and a psi file.
NB: adpop works only for multi-set calculations.
NB: As the calculation runs over the primitive grid, the
calculation is slow. Analysing one WF takes about
[grid-dimension]*[A-vector length]*1.5*10-8 s on a 3
GHz P4. The calculation can be accelerated by setting the
quick option, -q, or by using Monte-Carlo integration, -mc.
Using the quick option, one ignores points for which the product of
one-dimensional grid-populations (1D-densities) is lower than qtol.
The Monte-Carlo integration is, of course, less accurate. For
small systems (3D, say) it even may be slower than the direct
method, but it allows to treat systems which are otherwise too
large to be analyzed with adpop.
NB: The adpop population file can be easily plotted with
NB: For the adpop density files the script pladpop exists.
This script plots the adiabatic densities of the different
electronic states with or without weights.
Purpose: Calculates the adiabatic potential and the adiabatic projector. Usage: adproj86 [Options] Options : -o DIR : Output data is stored in directory DIR rather than in current one. -p FILE : the PES is read from FILE rather than from ./pes The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -w : Overwrite the output files. -nopot : Adiabatic PES are not calculated. -noproj : Projectors will not be calculated. -s s : Only adiabatic PES and Projector Matrix Elements for state s will be calculated. -od i j : Only the Projector Matrix Elements of the electronic density matrix element ij will be calculated. Here i and j are unequal one-digit integers. -me i j : Only Projector Matrix Elements P_i_j will be calculated. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The adproj86 program is used to calculate the
adiabatic potential matrix elements and the adiabatic projector
matrix elements for each electronic state. The program must be
run in a directory containing a dvr-file and a pes-file
(usually the directory of the genpes-run). The results are
written into several vpot files that can be fitted with the
potfit program. To do this the keyword "pes = none" has to be set
in the potfit input file. With a MCTDH-run the projection
operator file can be created. To receive the adiabatic
populations run expect with the projection operator file
and the corresponding psi file.
NB: The vpot files for the adiabatic potential are:
apr_vs, where s is the electronic state.
NB: The vpot files for the projection matrices are:
apr_ps_ij, where s is the adiabatic electronic state
and ij denotes the matrix element, i.e. the diabatic states.
Please note that the projection matrices are symmetric, this
means that each off-diagonal matrix element is only given once.
NB: When the option -od is set, the program computes
the ij-th off-diagonal element of the electronic density matrix
and nothing else. The vpot files produced are called
apr_odij_kl, where k and l run from 1 to nstate.
Note that these projection matrices are not symmetric,
i.e. apr_odij_kl .ne. apr_odij_lk .
For more details see the MCTDH-guide chapter 12.8.3
Purpose: Calculates the difference between two A-vectors. See review Eqs.(159-163) for a definition of the output Usage : aoverlap86 [-f -i -o -n -w -ver -h -?] [psi2] . Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i FILE : Same as -f FILE. -o FILE : The difference is written to file rather than to ./aovl_XXX The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e. "-o no", no aovl-file will be opened. -abs : Take the absolute value of A, when computing the overlap. -n step : Compute the A-overlap only every step-th output. -w : An existing aoverlap file is overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The argument psi2 is the name of the file containing the comparison wavefunction. If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The aoverlap86 program is very similar to the overlap86 program, except that it considers the A-vectors exclusively, i.e. it implicitly assumes that the spf's of the two calculations are identical. aoverlap86 is useful when the two calculations to be compared use different DVR's but identical numbers of spf's. When the overlap between two calculations is OK but the aoverlap is not then the two calculations use different spf's, e.g. a different position of the projector. See also overlap86 below.
Purpose: Computation of the spectrum by Fourier-transforming the autocorrelation function. Three spectra are generated according to the weight functions cos^n(pi*t/(2*T)) (n=0,1,2). The option -lin allows to use a second set of filters. In plspec the filters of this second set are enabled through the option -g3, -g4, or -g5. Additionally there is the weight function exp(-(t/tau)^iexp). The conversion factor from damping time to FWHM energy width is 1.32 eV fs and 2.2 eV fs for iexp=1 or 2, respectively. tau and iexp can be skipped if no damping is required . Usage : autospec86 [-f -i -o -e -n -r -ph -p -q -g -t -FT -EP -Mb -ver -h -?] [emin emax unit tau iexp] Options : -f FILE : The autocorrelation is read from file FILE rather than from ./auto The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -i DIR : Take DIR as input directory. -o FILE : The spectrum is written to file rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -e R Unit : the offset energy is set to R in units Unit; e.g. 0.3 ev Note, a positive R shifts the spectrum to the right. -n : The maxima of the spectra are normalized to 1. -r : Plot the resolution rather than the spectrum -ph ph : Use phase correction exp(i*ph*1.d-6*t^2) -p I : The no. of plot-points is I rather than 1000 Use "-p 2000" for final plots -q I : Same as -p. -lin : A second set of filter functions is used, namely g(t) = cos^3(pi*t/(2*T) (column 2), (g3) g(t) = 1 - t/T (column 3), (g4) g(t) = (1-t/T)*cos(pi*t/T) + sin(pi*t/T)/pi (column 4),(g5). Additionally, column 5 displays g2. The filters g4 and g5 yield a positive semi-definite Fourier-transform. When using plspec, these three filters are chosen by the option -g3, -g4, or -g5, respectively. When the option -lin is not set, the columns 2,3, and 4 refer to the filters cos^0, cos^1, and cos^2, respectively. I.e. g0, g1, and g2. Additionally, column 5 displays g5. -g ncos : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file. ncos is the exponent of the cosine damping function. -t tcut : The autocorrelation function is read only up to t=tcut -FT : No multiplication with the energy prefactor. Fourier transform only. (default!) -EP : Multiplication with the energy prefactor. -Mb norm: Absorption spectrum in Mb. norm is ||D*Psi|| (in au) where D is the Dipole moment. -Mb sets -EP. -ctr : Perform a sin-transform rather than an exp one. (This is for ctrace files.) -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. Following the options one may provide the arguments (separated by blank): Emin, Emax, Unit, tau, iexp If not enough arguments are given, the user is prompted for the missing arguments. If tau is not given, tau=0 is assumed. Use the Unit 'no' if the propagation is run with the keywords: time-not-fs, energy-not-ev. When using the options -EP or -Mb one must make sure that the zero point of the energy is set appropriately. Use the option -e if the total energy differs from photon energy. Note: the entered energy is added (not substracted). 1 Mb = 10^-18 cm^2. The norm ||D*Psi|| can be found in the log file of the operate run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The program computes the spectrum by Fourier transform of the
autocorrelation function which is multiplied with the weight
exp(-(t/tau)iexp)*cosn(pi*t/2T), (n =
0, 1, 2). (In the output file there is one column for each
n). The variables tau (real [fs]) and
iexp (integer) are input arguments.
More precisely:
sigma(omega,n) = prefac*Integral (0, T) Re[ c(t) *
exp(i*(omega -Eoffset)*t)] *
exp(-(t/tau)iexp)* cosn(pi*t/2T)
is the formula which is evaluated. Here c(t) is the
autocorrelation function and T denotes the largest time
for which c(t) is known. (T may be reduced by
the option -t). The variable omega runs between
Emin and Emax. The
pre-factor prefac is 1/pi if -FT is set
(default), or is omega/pi if -EP is set, or is
omega*0.4279828*dipolemoment**2 if -Mb is set. In the
latter case, dipole-moment is the norm of the D*Psi, where D denotes
the dipole operator. This norm is printed in the MCTDH log file,
when the operation D*Psi is performed by operate. The
-Mb option allows to plot the absorption spectrum on
absolute scale in mega barns (Mb). 1 Mb = 10-18
When the option -lin is set, then the filter function
cosn(pi*t/2T) (n=0,1,2) is replaced by
cos3(pi*t/2T) (column 2), 1 - t/T
(column 3), and (1-t/T)*cos(pi*t/T) + sin(pi*t/T)/pi
(column 4) and cos2(pi*t/2T) (column 5).
The filter of column 4 with -lin appears also on
column 5 without -lin
Note that the filters in colums 3 and 4 are non-negative.
A more comprehensive discussion can be found in the lecture notes
Introduction to MCTDH.
Note, the filter of column 4 with -lin appears also
on column 5 of the output created without -lin.
When one of the options -EP or -Mb is set, one must ensure, that the energy is the photon energy. It may hence be necessary to shift the energies from total ones to photon energies by using the -e option. The energy given as argument to -e is added (the spectrum is shifted to the right). To substract a ground-state energy EGS one must set -e -EGS.
If the option -r is set, the program computes the resolution, i.e. the spectrum of a single line. The time points are taken from the auto file. If there is no auto file and if the option -t is given, a time step of 1 fs is assumed.
The pre-factor omega is omitted by default, or when the option
-FT is given. In this case (and only in this case) the
energy Emin (and eventually
Emax) may be negative. NB: When the
pre-factor is omitted (default), the spectrum is normalized to 1
Example: autospec86 -e 13.4071 ev 13 17 ev 50 2
Purpose: check the sampling points of a mccpd/mcpotfit run Usage: chksampling<ver><d/D> [-h|-?] [-ver -d -oi -oe -rem -C -hist] <indexfile> <energiesfile> ver: Program version (e.g. 86 for version 8.6) d/D: Indicates a debug version optn: -h : Print this help-text. -? : Print this help-text. -ver : Version information. -d <dvrfile> : read dvr from <dvrfile> rather than from ./dvr -oi <newindex> : write cleaned index to <newindex> rather than to <indexfile>_chk -oe <newenergies> : write cleaned energies to <newenergies> rather than to <energiesfile>_chk -rem <n> <i> <e> : remove points if at least <n> DOF are at most <i> points away from the grid boundary (i=0: first or last point) AND the energy is less then <e>. -rem2 <n> <i> <e> : remove points if at least <n> DOF are at most <i> points away from the grid boundary (i=0: first or last point) AND the energy is larger then <e>. -C <n> : If -rem or rem2 is set, also remove <n> lines of context before and after a removed point. -hist : Write histogram files of the distribution of sampling points. If -rem or -rem2 is set, histograms will be made before and after the trajectory was cleaned. The histogram files are named: <indexfile>_hist_<modelabel> (before -rem) <indexfile>_hist<_modelabel>_chk (after -rem) -hist2 : Write 2D histogram files of the distribution of sampling points. If -rem or -rem2 is set, histograms will be made before and after the trajectory was cleaned. The histgram files are named: <indexfile>_hist2d_<modelabel1>_<modelabel2> (before -rem) <indexfile>_hist2d_<modelabel1>_<modelabel2>_chk (after -rem) -cov <n> : Write the normalized covariance matrix of the sampling points to file. <n> is the exponent of the variables, i.e. cov(q_i^n, q_j^n) will be calculated. If -rem or rem2 is is set the matrix is calculated before and after the trajectory was cleaned. The files are named: <indexfile>_covariance<n> (before -rem) <indexfile>_covariance<n>_chk (after -rem). Also creates a sorted list of covariances. and a file with means and variances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The program chksampling can be used to remove sampling points close to boundaries, if they are of unsuitable high or low energy. It also can write a covariance matrix, which provides hints to useful mode combinations.
Is used by the elk_test program to compare different sets of results.
Purpose: Build the (Hartree) product of two MCTDH wavefunctions. Usage : concat86 [-ver -D -dvr -w -h -?] psi1 psi2 Options : -ver : Version information about the program -D DIR : Data are stored in directory DIR, rather than in the current directory. The directory DIR will be made, if not existing. -dvr : The dvr-file for the new WF will be build. -w : Existing files are overwritten. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The arguments psi1, psi2 are the names of the restart-files to be to be concatenated, i.e. psi = psi1*psi2 . If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument. The first WF may have electronic states (in single- or multi-set), but the second WF must not have electronic states. Packets are not allowed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The string restart will be appended to the path if necessary, I.e. concat86 dir1 dir2 is equivalent to concat86 dir1/restart dir2/restart.
Converts a multi-packet wavefunction to the corresponding single-packet ones, i.e. extracts the pth packet from the multi-packet wavefunction dir/psi and writes it to the file dir/psip (or dir/psi0p if p < 10). For p = 0 all packets contained in psi are extracted and written to the files dir/psi01, dir/psi02, etc.
Purpose: calculate degree of correlation between modes of a cpd file Usage: cpdcorrelation<ver><d/D><P> [-h|-?|-ver] [-d -f } ver: Program version (e.g. 86 for version 8.6) d/D: Indicates a debug version P: compiled with OpenMP support optn: -h : Print this help-text. -? : Print this help-text. -ver : Version information. -e <err> : Relative compression error per mode, default: err=1.d-5 -d <dvrfile> : Read dvr from <dvrfile> rather than from ./dvr -f <cpdfile> : Read cpd from <cpdfile> rather than from ./cpd -no-spp : Do not trafo to natural potentials (i.e. no compression) -w : Allow overwrite The program first calculates the entropies S = -sum_j p_j ln(p_j) Where p_j are the normalized natural populations (i.e., sum_j p_j = 1) of one- and two-mode reduced density matrices. The correlation is then calculated as C(m,m1) = S(m) + S(m1) - S(m,m1) Where m and m1 are two different modes, respectively In order to reduce the size of the 2D matrices, the single mode basis on the primitive grid is first transformed to a natural potential basis with a relative error (see -e option). The relative error measure is: E = sum(relevant p_j)/sum(all p_j) Output file: cpd_correlation_sorted The program supports OpenMP (compile with -P option) ------------------------------------------------------------
The program cpdcorrelation can be used to investigate the coupling between modes and thus provides hints for a useful choice of mode combinations. One may run a (low accurate) cpd calculation without mode combinations. Then run cpdcorrelation on these cpd data and identify a useful mode combination scheme. Using this scheme one may then run a final, accurate cpd fit.
Purpose: Calculates the cross-correlation function c(t) c(t) = <psi_ref(0)|psi(t)> Usage : crosscorr86 [-f -i -o -n -r -R -O -nosf -t -el -ig -M -HC -DT -ver -h -?] psi_ref . Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -o FILE : The output is written to file FILE rather than to ./cross_XXX The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e. "-o no", no cross-file will be opened and the output will be directed to screen. -r : Take the restart rather than the psi file as reference WF. -R : Take the restart rather than the psi file as time-dep. WF. In general, this makes sense only when also -r is set. -O oper : Apply operator "oper" before evaluating the overlap. -t tfin : Compute the overlap only up to tfin. -nofs : No transformation to fs. Use when "time-not-fs" was set in mctdh. -n step : Compute the overlap only every step-th output. -i init : Compute the overlap using the init-th (rather than the first) reference WF. (-i is ignored when -r is set). -el nst : Compute the cross-correlation for state nst only. -ig : Ignore "different bases" error-msg. -spf : Print information on overlap of the two orbital sets. dim - trace(dover^+ * dover) for all m,s. -diag : Print the absolute values of diagonal elements of the overlap matrix of the two orbital sets. -ph : Multiply crosscorrelation with a constant phase such that C(t=0) is real. -M : Matrix-elements. The reference state is taken as time-dependent. This requires MCTDH or ML-MCTDH WFs of identical structure. -HC : Take the complex conjugate of the reference WF. (symmetric scalar prod.) -DT : Time is doubled, -M and -HC are set. (For computing correlation with t/2 trick) -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The argument psi_ref is the name of the file containing the (time-independent) comparison wavefunction. With the aid of the option -O, crosscorr can compute matrix elements <psi_ref|oper|psi>. This, however, requires that psi_ref and psi are MCTDH-WFs with identical numbers of SPFs or ML-WFs with identical trees. With the aid of the option -M, crosscorr computes overlaps <psi_ref(t)|psi(t)>. If in addition -O is set, matrix-elements <psi_ref(t)|oper|psi(t)> are calculated. Note that psi_ref is now taken as time-dependent. With the aid of the option -DT, which sets -M ad -HC, crosscorr computes c(t1+t2)=<psi^*_ref(t1)|psi(t2)>, where t1 and t2 are increased alternatingly. This is similar to "auto=twice" in MCTDH input. If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument. Note: The option "-o no" directs output to screen. Note: If the argument ends with a slash "/", the string "psi" or "restart" is appended. If the argument ends with "restart", -r is set. Note: crosscorr86 can overlap two MCTDH or two ML-wavefunctions, but not a mixture of the two types. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The two wavefunctions must, of course, have the same primitive grids, but they may have different combination schemes and may differ in numbers of SPF's. A reference wavefunction can conveniently be generated by running MCTDH with the -t option.
Purpose: Computation of the spectrum by fourier-transforming the cross-correlation function. Output is: Energy, Re(FT), Im(FT), Abs(FT), where FT denotes the Fourier-transform (prefactor Pi^-1) of the cross-correlation function. Usage : crosspec86 [-o -e -p -q -a -g -all -reim -re -im -sin -cos -dc -t -ph -r -old -h ] [emin emax unit file]. Options : -o FILE : The spectrum is written to file rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -e R Unit : the offset energy is set to R in units Unit; e.g. 0.3 ev -p I : The no. of plot-points is I rather than 500 Use "-p 2000" for final plots -q I : Same as -p I -g : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file. -a : GNUplot is called automatically. (sets "-g"). -all : Re, Im and Abs parts (rather than Abs) are plotted. (ignored if neither -g or -a are set). -reim : Real and Imaginary parts (rather than Abs) are plotted. (ignored if neither -g or -a are set). -re : Real part (rather than Abs) is plotted. (ignored if neither -g or -a are set). -im : Imag. part (rather than Abs) is plotted. (ignored if neither -g or -a are set). -sin : The crosscorrelation function is multiplied with sin(pi*t/T). -cos : The crosscorrelation function is multiplied with cos(pi*t/2T). -dc : A DC component is subtracted from the cross-corr before FT. -r : Plot the resolution rather than the spectrum -ph ph : Use phase correction exp(i*ph*1.d-6*t^2) -t tcut : The crosscorrelation function is read only up to t=tcut -old : The old output format is used. (Different order of columns, output times Pi.) -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. Following the options one may provide the arguments (separated by blank): Emin, Emax, Unit file where file denotes the path of the crosscorr file. If not enough arguments are given, the user is prompted for the missing arguments. Use the Unit 'no' if the propagation is run with the keywords: 'time-not-fs','energy-not-ev'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This routine simply performs the Fourier integral pi^-1 * Int[0,T] exp(i*(E-E_offset)*t)*c(t) dt without invoking damping functions (except possibly for sin(pi*t/T) and cos(pi*t/2T)). The option -dc subtracts the average of the cross-correlation function from this function before FT. E_offset is zero, if not set by option -e. The option -old removes the prefactor pi^-1 and interchanges the columns. (Now: Energy, Re, Im, Abs; with -old: Energy, Abs, Re, Im). The new output format is chosen to make crosspec compatible with autospec. The output file may be read by flux, using the -ed option of flux86. In this case neither -g nor -a must be given, such that no GNUplot command lines appear in the output file.
If the option -r is set, the program computes the resolution, i.e. the spectrum of a single line. The time points are taken from the crosscorr file. If there is no crosscorr file and if the option -t is given, a time step of 1 fs is assumed.
Purpose: Generates 2D-densities from the wavefunction. Usage: dengen86 [-i -f -n -skip -step -o -rst -pop2 -nw -ver -h -?] f1 f2 Options : -i DIR : data is stored in directory DIR -f FILE : the wavefunction is read from FILE rather than from ./pes The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -o FILE : The output is written to file FILE rather than to ./dens2d The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -n num : only num WFs are processed. -skip m : the first m WFs are skipped. -step step : only every step's WF will be processed. -rst : the restart file is read, rather than the psi file. -nw : No weights are employed. Plot the "naked" DVR populations. -pop2 : the basis set occupations are plotted rather than grid populations. For FFT this implies momentum space representation. -w : Overwrite the output file. -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The arguments f1 and f2 denote the DOFs for which a 2D-density is generated. The arguments f1 and f2 may be integers or modelabels. If there are more WFs on psi file than you want to inspect, use the options -n, -skip, or -step. Example: "dengen86 -skip 10 -n 2 rd rv" will generate densities of the WFs no. 11 and 12 (i.e. t=10 and 11 if tpsi=1fs), and "dengen86 -step 10 -n 2 rd rv" will generate densities of the WFs no. 1 and 11 (i.e. t=0 and 10 if tpsi=1fs). NB1: dengen can work with ML-wavefunctions! NB2: The option -pop2 is ignored for phifbr,sphfbr,k,external bases. NB3: To visualise the densities run "gnuplotdengen86 computes 2D-densities similar as does showsys86. However, in contrast to showsys86, dengen86 computes only 2D-densities, is not menu driven, is not interactive and does not plot. It merely writes the data to an output file, which may then visualized by GNUPLOT. If the computation of the 2D-densities takes a large amount of computer time, the use of dengen86 is of advantage, because dengen86 may run in the background, overnight or on a batch system." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose: Converts a diabatic wavefunction to adiabatic. Usage: di2ad86 [-i -f -p -o -w -ver -h -?] Options : -i DIR : data is stored in directory DIR -f FILE : the wavefunction is read from FILE rather than from ./pes The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -p FILE : the PES is read from FILE rather than from ./pes The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -o FILE : The ouput is written to file FILE rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -w : An existing output file is overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The wavefunction and the pes-file must be in "exact" format. One may use psi2ex86 to transform the WF. --------------------------------------------------------------This program reads the wavefunction in a psi file, and uses the PES information in a pes file to transform it to the adiabatic representation. The wavefunction and pes file must be in a full-grid representation. If the psi file was created using an MCTDH wavefunction, this can first be converted using the psi2ex program. The pes file can be created using mctdh86 -pes with an input file for a numerically exact calculation.
Output is in a full grid representation to the file, unless otherwise given using -o FILE.
Program solves the generalized eigenvalue problem H1 B = H0 B E by a singular value decomposition, where H0 and H1 are overlap and Hamiltonian matrices calculated by Fmat program. The output of the program are the eigenvalues and intensities. The matrix elements are calculated using the hermitian or symmetric scalar product. The widths, in the case of symmetric scalar product, are calculated as -2*Im(E) .
Purpose : Diagonalizes the Hamiltonian matrix calculated by fmat. Usage : diag86 [-d -o -lo -hi -n -t -es -e -u -w -ver -h -?] mtt_ovl mtt_ham [[mtt_ovl_2] [mtt_ham_2]]. Options : -d PATH : The output is directed to PATH rather than to the current directory. The string PATH may be a relative or a full path-name. If PATH=no, i.e. "-d no", no output files will be opened. -o NAME : Change the name of output file from "diag" to NAME. -lo klo : Take matrix elements in Mtt files only from the klo-th index. -hi khi : Take matrix elements in Mtt files only up to the khi-th index. -n step : Take only every n-th step of the Mtt matrix elements. -t : Expand the nXn mtt-matrix to (2n-1)X(2n-1) one including negative times. In this case the second set of overlap and Hamiltonian matrices are needed. -es eps : Set cut-off parameter for eigenvalues. Default is eps=1.e-10 -e E unit: The offset energy is set to E unit. Note: "-e lsth" is equivalent to "-e 4.74746 ev". "-e co2" is equivalent to "-e -2534.5298 cm-1". -u UNIT : Set the output energy unit to UNIT. Default is au. -w : Overwrite an existing "diag" file. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The arguments "mtt_ovl" and "mtt_ham" are the Overlap- and Hamiltonian matrix files calculated by "fmat86" program. If "-t" option is used, the second set of Overlap- and Hamiltonian matrices with different scalar product is needed. Examples : diag86 -es 1.d-8 -hi 60 mtt_h mtt_H1_h : diag86 -hi 40 -n 2 -t mtt_h mtt_H1_h mtt_s mtt_H1_s Important note: Both overlap and Hamiltonian-matrices should be calculated either as hermitian or as symmetric scalar products. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The arguments with options -lo,-hi and -n i.e. klo, hki and step are related to the calculated "mtt"-files, and not to the MCTDH calculation. For example, if "mtt"-files were calculated with step=2, then using step=3 in Diag program will be equivalent to step=6 with respect to the MCTDH calculation.
If "-t" option is used, the matrix elements are extended to negative times according to the rule: Psi(-t)=conj(Psi(t)). So, here the second set of overlap- and Hamiltonian matrices needed, calculated using the symmetric scalar product, if the first is hermitian, or hermitian scalar product if the first is symmetric. Note, that each set of overlap and Hamiltonian matrices should be calculated using the same scalar product (hermitian or symmetric).
The option "-u UNIT" changes the output energy unit to UNIT. The available units in program can be seen by shell-command "mhelp -s unit".
The following examples show the steps performing the diagonalization after completing the MCTDH calculation. The first concerns the reactive system (to calculate resonances and widths), the second - the bound system.
1. fmat86 -sym ! calculates mtt_s fmat86 -sym -O H1 ! calculates mtt_H1_s diag86 -u ev -es 1.d-9 mtt_s mtt_H1_s 2. fmat86 ! calculates mtt_h fmat86 -O H1 ! calculates mtt_H1_h fmat86 -sym ! calculates mtt_s fmat86 -sym -O H1 ! calculates mtt_H1_s diag86 -u cm-1 -es 1.d-8 -n 2 -t mtt_h mtt_H1_h mtt_s mtt_H1_s
Purpose: Generates pair-density matrixedengen86 computes 2D (off-diagonal) pair-correlation functions (or pair-density matrices) <x,x|ρ2|y,y> (similar to the one-body density matrix produced by prhosub86). It works in analogy to dengen86, which however calculates the diagonal density <x,y|ρ2|x,y>. The data is written to an output file, which may then visualized via GNUPLOT (e.g with plgen). Note that, if the computation of the pair-correlation function is very time consumptive, edengen86 may run in the background, overnight or on a batch system.from the wavefunction. Usage: edengen86 [-i -f -n -skip -step -o -rst -pop2 -nw -w -ver -h -?] f1 f2 Options : -i DIR : data is stored in directory DIR -f FILE : the wavefunction is read from FILE rather than from ./pes The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -o FILE : The ouput is written to file FILE rather than to ./pair2d The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -n num : only num WFs are processed. -skip m : the first m WFs are skipped. -step step : only every step's WF will be processed. -rst : the restart file is read, rather than the psi file. -nw : No weights are employed. Plot the "naked" DVR populations. -pop2 : the basis set occupations are plotted rather than grid populations. For FFT this implies momentum space representation. -w : Overwrite the output file. -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The arguments f1 and f2 denote the DOFs for which a pair-density matrix is generated. The arguments f1 and f2 may be integers or modelabels. If there are more WFs on psi file than you want to inspect, use the options -n, -skip, or -step. Example: "edengen86 -skip 10 -n 2 rd rv" will generate densities of the WFs no. 11 and 12 (i.e. t=10 and 11 if tpsi=1fs), and "edengen86 -step 10 -n 2 rd rv" will gen. dens. of the WFs no. 1 and 11. NB: The option -pop2 is ignored for phifbr,sphfbr,k,external bases. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose: Calculates the time evolution of an expectation value. Usage : expect [-f -i -d -o -al -nofs -g -a -G -r -rst -x -t -p -pt -u -n -skip -w -ver -h -?] [operator]. Options : -f FILE : The operator is read from file FILE rather than from ./oper The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -d FILE : The dvr-file is read from file FILE rather than from ./dvr The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -al DIR : The alloc-file is read from directory DIR. If "-al default" is set, default parameter values will be taken. -o FILE : The output is written to file rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e. "-o no", no output file will be opened, and the output is directed to screen. -nofs : No transformation to fs. Use when 'time-not-fs' was set in mctdh. -g : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file(s). -a : GNUplot is called automatically. (sets -g and -w). -G : Plot gridlines, (meaningful only if -g or -a is set). -p : Print GNUplot to lpr (sets -g). -pt thr : Use thr pthreads for calculation. -r : Do not divide the expectation values by norm^2. -rst : Use restart rather than psi file. -x xi xf: Set the abscissa length. -t tfin : The expectation values are computed only up to time=tfin. -u UNIT : The unit used is UNITs (Default is a.u.). -n step : Compute the property only every step-th output. -skip nskip : Skip the first nskip wavefunctions. -w : An existing property file is overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The argument operator is the name of the operator, as specified in an HAMILTONIAN-SECTION_xxx, for which the expectation value is required. If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument. Note: expect86 works with both, MCTDH- and ML-wavefunctions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The operator must first have been build by the MCTDH program. This means that it must first be set up in a .op file. If it is known before a propagation is made, this operator can be included with the system operator in the main oper file (by using a named HAMILTONIAN-SECTION_XXX). Alternatively, e.g. if a propagation has already been made, the file oper_name can be generated using the genoper=name keyword. The operator may contain Multi-Layer operators.
Start the program in the directory containing the propagated wavefunction in a psi file. If no arguments are given, the program uses the oper file of the current directory. With the -f option one can select another operator-file. The program searches through the oper-file to see which operators are there and asks which is to be evaluated (if not specified as argument). The expectation value of the operator selected is then calculated for each time, and output to the file, unless otherwise instructed. The -a option enables the automatic plotting of the results.
If not specified otherwise, the program uses the alloc-file of the current directory. If the -f option is given, it looks for an alloc file in the directory of the specified operator file. Finally, if the "-al DIR" option is given, the alloc-file found in directory DIR is taken. If "-al default" is given, default parameter values will be used.
Purpose: Checks whether a state has been found in all comparison calculations and computes the internal error. Usage : fdcheck86 k exact datasets k = number of datasets. exact = 0 if if there is no exact comparison data set, =1 else. datasets = data as created by fdmatch86. Example: fdcheck86 4 0 < list where list contains the output of fdmatch86, or: fdmatch86 f1.eig f2.eig f3.eig | sort -n | fdcheck86 3 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
fdcheck analyses the output of fdmatch. It computes the mean value and the variance of eigenvalues and intensities which are grouped together by fdmatch. If there is an exact data set, fdcheck computes the errors of eigenvalues and intensities with respect to the exact data.
Purpose: Finds the optimal matches between a number of lists of eigenvalues obtained with the (real) filter program. Usage : fdmatch86 file_1 ... file_k | sort -n | less where file_j (j=1...k) is typically a *.eig file generated by the filter program. There may be up to 10 files. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
fdmatch orders the eigenvalues computed by different filter runs such that optimal matches are obtained. The output of fdmatch may be piped to fdcheck.
Purpose: Computes the quantum flux. See review Eqs.(197-201) for a definition of the output. Usage : flux86 [-f -i -o -om -ed -dvr -t -n -lo -hi -p -P -O -Os -e -x -d -v -w -r -c -exp -u -sm -es -wtt -projonly -nocap -nofs -noev -ver -h -?] [emin emax unit CAP-dof CAP-type] [.inp-file]. Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i FILE : The operator is read from file FILE rather than from ./oper The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -dvr FL : The DVR information is read from file FL rather than from ./dvr The string FL may be a relative or a full path-name. -ed FL : The energy distribution is read from file FL rather than from ./enerd The string FL may be a relative or a full path-name. One may use a flux-file as energy-distribution file. In this case, the flux-column will be taken as edstr. If a "d" follows the file-name, the DELTA(E) column will be taken. If a "+" follows the file-name, the present flux will be added to the edstr input. Alternatively, one may use a (autospec86) or a (crosspec86) file as energy distribution. The options "d" and "+" work here as well. With "d" the third (rather than the second) column of the ed-file is used, and with "+" the data is added to DELTA(E) rather than overwriting it. -o PATH : The output is directed to PATH rather than to the current directory. The string PATH may be a relative or a full path-name. If PATH=no, i.e. "-o no", no output-files will be opened. -om PATH: Similar to -O, but in addition the output directory will be created (like -mnd in mctdh). -n step : Compute Wtt' only every step-th psi-output. -es nst : Compute the flux for the electronic state nst only. -lo klo : Compute Wtt' only from the klo-th psi-output onwards. -hi khi : Compute Wtt' only up to the khi-th psi-output. -p I : The no. of energy-points is I rather than 500. -e R U : The offset energy is set to R in units U; e.g. "-e 0.3 ev". Note: "-e lsth" is equivalent to "-e 4.74746 ev". Give here the negative of "Energy shift (E_total - E_kinetic)", which was printed to log-file. (correction=dia). -s strt : Set the starting point of the flux evaluation to strt. Default is the grid-point where the cap starts. -S i0s : Set the starting point of the operator application to i0s. Default is i0s=0. This option is for p% projectors. -t : Test run. Check of the data sets. No output files opened. -P : Use projectors. -P is follwed by the mode number, the projector name and up to 8 parameters. The input is closed by a "%". There may be several projectors. Example: -P 3 KLeg 2 1 % -P 2 eigenf vib 6 % -O oper : Apply operator "oper" before measuring the flux. -Os oper: Apply the operator in a symmetric way. I.e 0.5*(OF+FO). Works for correlated and uncorrelated operators which may operate on the CAP-mode. -u unit : Transform flux to unit "unit". (useful when a operator is applied). Note: Rather than a unit one may give a number. -w : The gtau file may be overwritten. Without -w option gtau is read from the gtau file (if it exist). -r : Enforce reading the gtau file. Stop if gtau does not exist. -v : Re-compute only the theta part of gtau. (useful in combination with the -s option). -x : Evaluate flux using the theta part of gtau only. (useful for tests in combination with the -s -v options). -d : Compute gtau from spatial derivative of wavefunction. -sm : smooth Delta(E) by averaging the enerd data over 5 points. -Mb norm: Flux spectrum in Mb. norm is ||D*Psi|| (in au) where D is the Dipole moment. -nocap : A CAP is not searched for. Computed is: flux(E)= <Psi(E)|P|Psi(E)>, wtt(t)= <Psi(t)|P|Psi(t) >. Operators (-O option) may be used as well. -projonly : Only the projection step is performed. The projected WF is written to the file prjpsi. Expectation values <Psi|P|Psi> are written to wtt file. With this option flux86 performs like wfproj86. -wtt : Only wtt and iwtt are computed. Note: The arguments "Emin, Emax, unit" need not to be given when -wtt is set. -nofs : No transformation to fs. Use when "time-not-fs" was set in mctdh. -noev : No transformation to eV. Use when "energy-not-ev" was set in mctdh. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The arguments specify the energy interval and the degree of freedom of the CAP. The CAP-dof may be a number or a modelabel. The CAP-type may "right", "left" or "both". "right" is the default. If the number given as CAP-dof is larger than the number of DoFs, this number is interpreted as the H-term, h, of the CAP. Example: flux86 -lo 25 -w 0.3 2.5 ev rd flux86 1000 3000 cm-1 x left flux86 -wtt -s 21 y flux86 -nocap -w -P 3 leg 30 % 0.7 2.0 ev If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument(s). The path of an input file may be given as the very last argument. Options will overwrite the input-file. flux86 works with MCTDH and ML-wavefunctions! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The flux86 analyse routine has currently two
flux86 can work with operators. The operators are
to be defined in an HAMILTONIAN-SECTION_xxx, where
xxx is the name of the operator to which flux86
For a full list of projectors available, see the
table below. New projectors may be
coded and added to the file analyse/flxprj.F.
Very useful are projectors onto eigenfunctions of
one-mode operators (also to be defined in an HAMILTONIAN-SECTION_xxx ) and
projectors onto diffractive states (plane-waves) and onto
rotational states. A very general and quite useful
projector is the read projector. This projector is
build from an SPF, P=|phi><phi|, which in turn is read from
a (foreign) restart file.
The arguments needed by flux86 are the
energy-range ( including its unit) and the CAP-mode, i.e.:
Emin, Emax, unit, CAP-mode .
Often options are necessary to steer the performance of
flux86. Rather than options and arguments one may provide
an input-file (for an example see below). Note: options will
overwrite the statements of the input-file.
The option -t (Test run) is very useful for checking how many
data sets are on the psi file, which CAP's have been used, what
are the mode labels, etc. The most time consuming part is the
generation of the function gtau, as it requires the computation
of the matrix elements Wtt' of the CAP. If a gtau file exist,
flux86 will try to read this file (provided the -w option is not
given). Thus the computation of the flux for an other energy
interval or a different flux-unit (-u) is fast, as the gtau file
already exist. When the gtau file is corrupted, use -w to
overwrite it. The options -n, -hi and -lo may be used to reduce
the number of time-points when computing Wtt' and gtau. This is
useful for convergence checks. The option -lo must be used when
the mctdh calculation was run with auto-cap (ACAP).
The option -s start determines
the grid-point from where on the flux is evaluated. To be more
precise, start is the number of the grid-point at which the g_theta
evaluation is switched on.
If the option -s is not given,
start is set to the
grid-point where the CAP is switched on. When start is larger than gdim(fcap) (i.e.
grid length of the CAP-DOF), then the evaluation of the g_theta
part is suppressed. See Appendix B of J.Chem.Phys 116
(2002), 10641, or the MCTDH-feature article (Theor. Chem. Acc.
109, 251 (2003)) for more details. It often improves the
speed of convergence, in particular with respect to the total
propagation time, if the start of the flux evaluation is moved
closer towards the scattering center. Only for testing purposes
one may chose a start value,
which is further away from the scattering center as the default
value, i.e. a start value which lies inside the CAP region.
The CAP may be left (i.e. located at small coordinate
values, or right (i.e. located at large coordinate values,
this is the default), or both (i.e. the CAP may be
anywhere, no checking of areas where the CAP vanishes).
When the option -Mb is given, the flux spectrum will be multiplied with E*norm**2 where norm is the argument to -Mb. The value of norm is given in the log-file of the mctdh run where operate was performed (Operate-Norm). norm is equal to ||D*Psi||, where D denotes the operator used by operate. Make sure that a correct energy shift (-e option) is given, as the spectrum is multiplied with E.
Lines like the following are output by flux86 to screen (see also the flux.log file)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2000*Integral(W_tt) = 996.1052 (total outgoing flux) 1000*Integral(flux) = 995.6810 (total outgoing flux) 1000*Integral(DELTA) = 998.8516 (total incoming flux) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The first and second lines gives the total flux going into the specified CAP. The total flux is obtained by (first line) analytically integrating the flux over all energies (see Eq.(118) of Theor. Chem. Acc. 109, 251 (2003)), or by numerically integrating the energy resolved flux over the specified energy interval. The third line is the numerical integral of DELTA(E) over the specified energy interval. Here:
Example (H+D2 reactive scattering) :
flux86 -e lsth -lo 7 0.25 2.75 ev rv
flux86 flx.inp
where flx.inp is an input file. The extension .inp may be dropped. The input-file is organized similar to the MCTDH input-file, however, there are no sections. The last line of the input-file must read: end-input. Below an example input file is shown.
------------------------------------------------------------- # flux input file. Surface scattering. # Average rotational energy for a specific diffraction state. outdir = flux_rot low = 26 flux-unit = mev operator = rot projector 3 diff2 2 1 # mode ,name, parameters energy = 0.05, 0.30, ev cap = z end-input -------------------------------------------------------------Using the -d option (or the keyword use-deriv) the flux is computed via a well known formula employing the derivative of the wavefunction. Matrix elements of the CAP are not evaluated. Presently this feature works only if there is a full projection and if the CAP degree of freedom is uncombined and represented by FFT. When using the derivative formulation it is recommended to move the evaluation point a few grid-points before the start of the CAP. (-s option).
Example (Investigation of particle loss):
flux86 -wtt -s 21 rv
Operating on the CAP-mode
Operating on the CAP-mode requires that the product F*O has
to be symmetrized. F denotes the flux operator.
The option -Os (which replaces -O) symmetrizes the product FO
as 0.5*(OF+FO). Note that the computation time is almost doubled.
Finally, some remarks on setting the usediag or nodiag flag when
generation the operators. Correlated operators must be generated
with nodiag, when the are to be used with flux. Uncorrelated
operators may use either flag, but usediag is to be preferred, in
particular when the wavefunction is large.
Using the -nocap option
Running fux86 with the -nocap option and a projector, which
projects onto an excited state of the DOF or mode under discussion,
can be very helpful for assigning a peak in the spectrum.
Keywords of flux input-file | ||
Keyword | Description | equivalent option |
overwrite | overwrites gtau file. gtau will be re-computed completely. | -w |
test | performs a test run | -t |
psi = S | read psi file form path S (rather than from curent dir) | -f |
outdir = S | write output to directory S | -o |
make-outdir | Create the output directory. | -om |
dvr = S | read dvr file form path S (rather than from curent dir) | -dvr |
edstr = S | read the energy-distribution from file S | -ed |
flux-unit= S | The computed flux is converted to unit S. If a number is given, the flux will be multiplied with that number. I.e. flux-unit=ev and flux-unit=27.2114 will produce the same output. This option is useful when an operator is applied. | -u |
operfile = S | read oper file form path S (rather than from curent dir) | -i |
high = I | Compute the flux (i.e. gtau) only up to the I-th psi-output | -hi |
low = I | Compute the flux (i.e. gtau) only from the I-th psi-output onwards. | -lo |
el-state = I | Compute the flux for the I-th electronic state only. | -es |
step = I | Compute the flux (i.e. gtau) only every I-th psi-output. | -n |
epoints = I | The number of output energy-points is I rather than 500. | -p |
smooth | Smooth the Delta(E) data read from enerd file by averaging over 5 energy points. | -sm |
Mb = R | The argument is the value of Operate-Norm to be taken from the log-file of the mctdh operate run. The flux-spectrum is multiplied by E*opnorm**2. Make sure that a correct energy shift is given. | -Mb |
start = I | Evaluate the flux at the grid-point start. The default value for start is the start of the CAP (i.e. the last grid-point with vanishing CAP). | -s |
theta-only | Uses only the theta-part of gtau when computing the flux. This is useful for investigating the importance of the theta-region. Note: The W-part only of gtau will be taken when start is set to a number larger than the number of grid-points of the CAP-mode. | -x |
gtau-only | Compute only the theta-part of gtau. This option requires that a gtau file exist. The time-consuming evaluation of the W-part of gtau is suppressed, but gtau_theta is re-evaluated. This option is useful to test different start points (see keyword start). Note: the keywords low and high will be ignored. There values are taken from the previous run. | -v |
wtt-only | Compute only the diagonal terms Wtt.This rather fast calculation is useful to determine the optimal value for low (-lo). | -wtt |
nocap | A CAP is not searched for. Computed is: flux(E)= <Psi(E)|P|Psi(E)>, and wtt(t)=<Psi(t)|P|Psi(t)>. Operators (-O option or oper keyword) may be used as well. |
-nocap |
projonly | Only the projection step is performed. A CAP need not
to be given. The projected WF is written to the file prjpsi.
Expectation values |
-projonly |
use-deriv | Compute gtau from spatial derivative of wavefunction. | -d |
eoffset = R, S | The offset energy is set to R in units S; e.g. "eoffset = 0.3, ev". Note: "eoffset = lsth" is equivalent to "-e 4.74746 ev". | -e |
operator = S | Apply operator S before evaluating the flux. | -O |
symmetrized-operator | Apply the operator symmetrically, i.e. use 0.5*(O*F+F*O). | -Os |
projector I S (S1) I1 I2 .. | Apply the projector S with(label S1 and) parameters I1 I2 ... to mode I before evaluating the flux. projector has to be the first keyword on a line. There are no equal-sign and no commas. There may be several projectors. One line for each projector. No additional keywords in a projector-line. | -P |
nofs | No transformation to fs. Use when "time-not-fs" was set in mctdh | -nofs |
noev | No transformation to eV. Use when "energy-not-ev" was set in mctdh | -noev |
energy = R1, R2, S | Evaluate the flux between Emin=R1 and Emax=R2 where Emin and Emax are given in unit S. | (arguments) |
cap = S or I | The cap is on mode I. Rather than giving the number of the mode, I, one may give the modelabel S. If I is larger than the number of DOFs, this number is interpreted as the H-term, h, of the CAP (run "flux86 -t" and/or see op.log file). This feature becomes important if there are several CAPs. | (arguments) |
captype = S | The cap-type is S=both,right,left. | (arguments) |
Projectors | |||
projector name | label | parameters | Description |
eigenf | name of an operator | pop | An eigenfunction of a 1D operator is taken as projector. The 1D operator is to be defined in a HAMILTONIAN-SECTION_ XX when the operator-file is build. The operator XX must be of usediag type. A 1D spf is assumed, i.e a combined mode is incompatible with eigenf. The parameter pop defines which eigenfunction is taken. pop=1 refers to the ground-state. |
read | path of restart directory | pop state m_ext | The pop-th SPF of state state and mode m_ext of a "foreign" restart file is taken as projector. This "foreign" restart file may be build by an geninwf run. The primitive grids and the combination scheme of the "foreign" restart file and the present calculation must be identical for the two modes under considertion, but the numbers of SPF's and the number of electronic states may differ. If the parameters pop and state are not given, they are set to 1, while m_ext, if not given, is set to (system) mode, i.e. to the first argument following the -P option. |
sph | (none) | j m | projects on the (j,mj) rotational state. A sphFBR (see Primitive Basis Section) is required, the two modes of which must not be further combined. I.e a 2D SPF is assumed. |
diff | (none) | n | projects on the n-th diffraction channel. (i.e. onto a plane wave). A 1D SPF is assumed. |
diff2 | (none) | n m | projects on the (n,m)-th diffraction channel. (i.e. onto a 2D plane wave). A 2D SPF is assumed. |
p-1d | (none) | i1 i2 | projects on a momentum state. (i.e. onto a plane wave) with momentum p = i1/i2. The momentum is in atomic units and is given as fraction because only integer parameters are allowed. A 1D SPF is assumed. |
p-2d | (none) | i1 i2 i3 | projects on a 2D momentum state. (i.e. onto a plane wave) with momenta p1 = i1/i3 and p2 = i2/i3. The momenta are in atomic units and are given as fractions because only integer parameters are allowed. A 2D SPF is assumed. |
pop1 | (none) | n | projects on the n-th grid-point of an underlying DVR. This projector can be used for combined modes as well, but then the user has to be careful to define n correctly. (e.g. n=n1+(n2-1)*gdim(f1), if m=(f1,f2)) |
pop2 | (none) | n | projects on the n-th basis function of an underlying DVR. This projector thus can only be used if the (uncombined) DOF is described by an simple DVR. |
Leg | (none) | j | projects on the j-th rotational state. A Leg or Leg/R DVR is required as primitive basis and the DOF should be uncombined. |
KLeg | (none) | j m | projects on the (j,mj) rotational state. A KLeg-DVR combined with a K-DVR, i.e. a 2D spf, is required. |
PLeg | (none) | j m | projects on the (j,mj) rotational state. A PLeg-DVR combined with an exp-DVR, i.e. a 2D spf, is required. |
KLeg2 | (none) | j1 m1 j2 m2 sym | projects on the
rotational state of two coupled angular DOFs. The mode must
be of the type KLeg/K/KLeg/K, i.e. a 4D mode. If sym>0
(sym<0), the projection is on the symmetrized
(antisymmetrized) state, i.e. {|j1,m1,j2,m2> ± |j2,m2,j1,m1>} / √2 . |
Wigner | (none) | j k m | projects on the (j,k,m) rotational state. A Wigner-DVR combined with two DVRs of either type exp or K, i.e. a 3D spf, is required. |
------------------------------------------------------------- # Example input for read projector projector 4 read ../geninwf 3 1 2 # system-mode=4, read-projector, # path to foreign restart file, 3rd SPF # of state 1 and mode 2 of the # foreign or (external) restart file # As option the same input would read: -P 4 read ../geninwf 3 1 2 % -------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose: Computes the overlap- or the Hamiltonian-matrix. Usage : fmat86 [-f -i -d -o -dvr -n -lo -hi -O -w -sym -es -ver -h -?] . Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i FILE : The operator is read from file FILE rather than from ./oper The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -dvr FL : The DVR information is read from file FL rather than from ./dvr The string FL may be a relative or a full path-name. -d PATH : The output is directed to PATH directory rather than to the current directory. The string PATH may be a relative or a full path-name. If PATH=no, i.e. "-d no", no output-files will be opened. -o NAME : Change the name of the output file from "mtt_h"("mtt_s") to NAME. -n step : Compute Mtt' only every step-th tpsi. -es nst : Compute Mtt' for the electronic state nst only. -lo klo : Compute Mtt' only from the klo-th tpsi onwards. -hi khi : Compute Mtt' only up to the khi-th tpsi. -O oper : Apply operator "oper" before evaluating the overlap. -w : Overwrite an existing Mtt file. -sym : Use the symmetric scalar product rather than the hermitian one. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. Example : fmat86 -hi 65 -O ham Important note: The used operator must be build with the "nodiag" flag! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
N.B. The outputfile is called "mtt_h" or "mtt_s" if no operator is used (i.e. if the overlap matrix is calculated) and is called "mtt_h_oper" or "mtt_s_oper" if the operator oper is employed. The flags "h" and "s" are for the case of hermitian and symmetric scalar products. The operator oper must be defined in a HAMILTONIAN-SECTION_oper and must carry the nodiag flag. The generated matrices may be diagonalised (generalised eigenvalue problem) to obtain the eigenvalues of the operator oper. This should be done with the program diag. Resonances may be calculated as well by using the symmetric scalar product (-sym option).
Purpose : J-interpolation of flux data. Usage : jinpol86 [-d -f -o -j -j1 -j2 -m -r0 -rf -e1 -e2 -ed -es -em -mp -A -B -C -p -ver -h]. Options : -id IDIR: The probabilities files are read from directory IDIR. -od ODIR: The probabilities files are written to directory ODIR. -f FILE : The probabilities are read from file IDIR/FILEext where ext denote the extension jKJ (e.g. 205). -o FILE : The interpolated probabilities are written to ODIR/FILEext where ext denote the extension jKJ (e.g. 205). -j j : Search for files with j-value j. j is the first number in extension. -j1 J1 : First J value of interpolation range. -j2 J2 : Last J value of interpolation range. -k K : Search for files with K-value K. K is the second number in extension. -r0 R0 : R0 is the estimated value of the transition-state coordinate. -rf Rf : Rf is the fixed value of the transition-state coordinate. (No optimization). -m mass : Reduced mass in AMU (default mass = 1.0). -e1 E1 : First energy of fit-interval. -e2 E2 : Last energy of fit-interval. -ed edim: Number of energy points used to compute the integrals. (def.= 500). -es shft: The energies read from the probability files are shifted by shft. -em Emin: The input probabilities are set to zero for E<Emin. -mp maxp: The input probabilities are set to maxp if prob>maxp. -A : Minimize F = SQRT(A*B) - C -B : Minimize F/C (default) -C : Minimize -C -p : Print every iteration step. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. The defaults settings are: IDIR=., ODIR=., j=0, k=0, r0=3.0, Edim=500, Eshift=0.0, Emin=-1.d9, maxp=1.d9, mass=1.0 (i.e. 1837.15 au). Example: jinpol86 -f flux -o mflux -j 2 -j1 1 -j2 4 -e1 0.0 -e2 1.2 This will read the files flux201 and flux204 from and write the files mflux201, mflux202, mflux203, and mflux204 to current directory. NB: The energy interval [E1,E2] is used for determining r0 only. The energy interval of output is the one of the first flux file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------jinpol86 interpolates the (reaction) probabilities for different total J. As input it needs two sets of probabilities (e.g. flux files) for J1 and J2. It then creates probabilities for all J with J1 < J < J2. The algorithm has some similarity with J-shifting, but is much more accurate. This J-interpolation algorithm is described in an appendix of J.Chem.Phys. 116 (2002) 10641.
Purpose : Join psi files have been calculated with different number of SPFs. Usage : joinpsi86 [-w -D -o -l -f -p -ver -h -?] file1 file2 ... Options : -w : Overwrite existing output file. -D PATH : The output is directed to PATH. The string PATH may be a relative or a full path-name. -o NAME : Change the name of output file from "psi" to NAME. -l LIST : The list if psi files is read from file LIST, rather from the input line. -f n1 n2 ... : Force the number of SPFs to be equal to n1,n2,... . Otherwise the maximum number from psi files will be chosen. -p : Print information to the screen. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. Examples : joinpsi86 ../dir1/psi ../dir2/psi ../dir3/psi joinpsi86 -w -f 30 40 20 -l list_psi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The program is useful, if the maximum number of SPFs is not needed for all propagation times (for example in the scattering problem). One may perform several calculations with varying numbers of SPFs (usually with smaller numbers of SPFs at the beginning and at the end of the propagation, if it is a scattering process), and then joins the psi-files with the aid of this program for the further analysis (e.g. flux analysis, etc.). The number of SPFs for the resultant psi-file equals the maximum from all psi-files. The artificially augmented SPFs are filled with zeros. The program is working only with psi=single or psi=double formats.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose : Reads the lownatpop file and prints the maximum over time of the populations for all listed nodes an modes. The four highest and four lowest populations will be marked. Usage : [-h, -f, -t, -last, -min, -max] Options : -h Print this help-text (--help and -? also work). -f <path> "path" is the path to the file to be analyzed. If the -f option is not given, path=./lownatpop is assumed. -tmin <ti> Analyze only data with time >= ti. -tmax <tx> Analyze only data with time <= tx. -last Analyze only data of the last time point. -min <minpop> Mark all populations which are < mimpop with '+'. -max <maxpop> Mark all populations which are > maxpop with '*'. -skip Skip the first two lines. This is useful when electronic states are present. Examples : -f ../run2/lownatpop -max 1.e-4 | grep '*' HDM 02/20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose : Calculates the minimum and maximum value of a PES Usage : maxpe86 [-h -ver ] path-to-name-directory First generate an oper file for an exact calculation and then run maxpe86 with the path to that directory as argument. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text NB: The routine vminmax is a more powerful alternative which does not require an operator in exact, but in pes format -------------------------------------------------------------Calculates the maximum and minimum value of a PES. This is useful to check for the presence of large eigenvalues, which affect the efficiency of a numerically exact propagation.
Note that vminmax86 is a more powerful alternative which does not require the operator in exact, but in pes format.
Purpose: Converts a multilayer wavefunction in a psi/restart file to an equivalent MCTDH form. Default is single precision. Usage : ml2mctdh86 [-f -i -o -r -stp -n -skip -w -dp -ver -h -?] Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i FILE : Same as -f FILE. -o FILE : The output is written to file FILE rather than to ./psi.mctdh The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -r : Read and write restart files instead of psi files. This automatically sets -dp. -stp step: Compute the exact WF only every step-th output. -n num : only the first num WFs are read from psi-file. -skip m : the first m WFs are skipped. -dp : The file is written double precision. -mstate : A multi-state psi file is written. Only makes sense if the top layer has *only* two logical modes corresponding to the system and electronic degree of freedom. -w : An existing output file is overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose : Checks, how much memory can be allocated. Usage : mmemtest86 [-h ] Options : -h Print this help text. Run mmemtest86 on the computer, on which you want to run a program of the MCTDH package. Note, that only mctdh86 and potfit86 can use up to 8 GB (on 64 bit architectures with sufficient memory). All other MCTDH-programs are limited to a allocate at most 2 GB. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose: Calculates the norm and A-norm of a MCTDH or ML-wavefunction. Usage: norm [-f -i -n -all -r -s -inter -nofs -ver -h -?] . Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction (density operator) is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i DIR : data is stored in directory DIR -n step : Compute the norm only every step-th output. -all : Print the norm of all ML-nodes, not only the top one. -all is ignored for MCTDH runs. It must not be used with -inter. -r : Take the restart file rather than the psi file. -s : Suppress printing information on ML-tree. -nofs : No transformation to fs. Use when "time-not-fs" was set in mctdh. -inter : enables interactive plotting. Must not be used with -all. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. Note: The output is to screen. For ML-wavefunctions the norm of each layer is evaluated, if "-all" is set. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose: Read a natpot file and convert to a canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) which is subsequently optimized using ALS. Usage: natpot2cpd<vers><d/D> [-h|-?] [-ver -o -l -c -C -CC -r -R -s -n -g -w -spd -ev -d -v -D -DD] vers: Program version (e.g. 86 for version 8.6) d/D: Indicates a debug version optn: -h : Print this help-text. -? : Print this help-text. -ver : Version information. -mnd : Make Name Directory.Creates the name directory, if not existent. -w : Allow overwrite. -c : Continue optimizing an existing CPD file. -C : Same as -c but reset iteration counter. -CC <dir> : Same as -C but reads the initial CPD-file from directory <dir>. -r <int> : CPD rank, default: sum of SPP of natpot or rank of read-in CPD. -R : Initial guess of CPD are random numbers, default: pick largest coeff and SPP from natpot or use read-in CPD. -s <real>[,S]: Stop if |natpot-cpd| is less than <real>. Default: not set. <real> may bear a unit S [au, eV, meV, cm-1]. default a.u. -o : Write overlap matrix of the cpd on exit. Default: not set. -l : Write coefficients of the cpd on exit. Default: not set. -spd <real> : Solve ALS using Cholesky decomposition with uniform regularization on the diagonal. If neither -spd nor -ev is set, then -spd with regularization=sqrt(machine_precision) is assumed. -ev <real> : Solve ALS using eigen-decomposition with regularization of smallest eigenvalues. -d <real>[,S]: Use <real> as error-estimate when de-contracting the natpot D-tensor. <real> may bear a unit S [au, eV, meV, cm-1]. default a.u. -n <int> : Maximum number of iterations of ALS optimizer, default 1000. -g <int int1> : Do not start with full rank but with rank <int> and increase every <int1> iterations by the same amount. If -g is set, -r must be set too, to set a maximal rank. -v : If a vpot file is present, calculate the error of the cpd against the vpot in the end. -I <dir> : Read natpot and dvr from <dir>. Defaults to <dir> = <name>, see below. -D <name> : Write output to <name> Default: current directory. -DD <name> : Similar to -D, but additionally removes the prefix np2cpd from outputted files.The program reads a natpot file and converts it to canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) format. The CPD file will use the same mode-combinations and mode-labels as the natpot. In a first step, an initial guess in CPD format is created, depending on the given command line options from the given natpot file or simply from random numbers. Subsequently, an optimization procedure is started to iteratively improve the quality of the CPD fit compared to the natpot file using alternating least squares (ALS).
The program supports parallelization with OpenMP. We recommend
compilation with the -P option. Furthermore, as several liner algebra
operations are performed, linking to an optimized Lapack
package is of advantage (needs editing of compile.cnf).
For instance: compile -P -x lapack natpot2cpd
Purpose : Find lowest and largest points on a surface generated by one or more natpot or CPD files. This is similar to vminmax86 but skipping the generation of a PES file. Usage : npotminmax86 [-D -mnd -srf -d -ver -w -h -?]The program is similar to vminmax, except that the generation of a PES file is skipped and a set of natpot and/or CPD files is used to generate the potential operator. The program requires an input file which contains at least a RUN-SECTION specifying job parameters and a NATPOT-SECTION and/or CPD-SECTION listing paths to natpot and CPD files. In addition, either the keyword readdvr in the RUN-SECTION needs to be set or a PRIMITIVE-BASIS-SECTION needs to be present in the input file. Note, that the system DVR may contain more degrees of freedom than the natpot/CPD files are defined on. Furthermore, the natpot files can have different sets of degrees of freedom compared to each other as long as all degrees of freedom are contained in the system DVR, i.e., it is similar to constructing the operator-file from different natpot/CPD files.Options : -D DIR : The output is directed to DIR. This option overwrites "name" in the run-section of the input file. -mnd : Enables creating a name directory. -d DIR : The new dvr is read from directory DIR. This option overwrites "readdvr" in the run-section of the input file. -srf : Write potential to ASCII file "srf.asc" (one energy per line like readsrf input). -n num : Print num maximal and minimal values. The default is num=10. -ver : Version information about the program. -w : Existing output is overwritten. -h -? : Print this help text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In Run-Section following keywords are possible:
Keywords of npotminmax RUN-SECTION | |||
Keyword | compulsory / optional | Description | equivalent option |
name = S | C | The name of the calculation. A directory with path S is required in which files will be written. | -D |
readdvr = S | C/O | The DVR file containing all system DOF is located in directory S. Compulsory if there is no PRIMITIVE-BASIS-SECTION. | -d |
trajectory = S | O | The scan is not done over all grid points but only over a
subset. S is the path to an ASCII file containing the DVR
indices of the grid points, where one grid point is given
per line. There may be more than one trajectory file! Note,
that the indexing is assumed to be in the same order as the
DOF appear in the PRIMITIVE-BASIS-SECTION, i.e., the first
index belongs the first coordinate in the
PRIMITIVE-BASIS-SECTION, etc. The indices are assigned to
the natpotfiles by their modelabels as in the Hamiltonian
generation. A trajectory of DVR indices can be either created using the chkpes program or (more conveniently) with mcpotfit or with mccpd |
compare = S | O | Compare the sum of all natpot files to a surface file
S. That is, after summing the contributions of all natpot
files for the n-th grid point, substract the value from the
n-th line in S. If the trajectory keyword is
given, there must be exactly as many compare files as
trajectory tiles. Moreover, trajectory and compare files
must be consistent (i.e. it is assumed that the n-th line of
S corresponds to the n-th line of the trajectory) and they
must appear in the same order. If the trajactory option is not given, S must contain as many lines as there are grid points in the system DVR, where the index of the first coordinate runs fastest, the index of the second coordinate second fastest etc. Note, that the chkpes as well as mcpotfit and mccpd programs produce surface files along a dvrindex trajectory as used for the trajectory = S keyword. |
wrsrf | O | Write the sum of all natpot files to a surface file srf.dat in the name directory. | -srf |
overwrite | O | Files in name directory will be overwritten. | -w |
The NATPOT-SECTION only contains a list of paths to directories holding a natpot or CPD file.
RUN-SECTION name = npmm-h3o2m readdvr = mccpd_h3o2m trajectory = mccpd_h3o2m/dvrindex-test-1 trajectory = mccpd_h3o2m/dvrindex-test-2 trajectory = mccpd_h3o2m/dvrindex-test-3 trajectory = mccpd_h3o2m/dvrindex-test-4 compare = mccpd_h3o2m/energies-test-1 compare = mccpd_h3o2m/energies-test-2 compare = mccpd_h3o2m/energies-test-3 compare = mccpd_h3o2m/energies-test-4 END-RUN-SECTION NATPOT-SECTION mcpf_h3o2m_r_R # directory with natpot of r and R mcpf_h3o2m_u1_u2 # directory with natpot of u1 and u2 end-natpot-section CPD-SECTION mccpd_h3o2m # directory with cpd file end-cpd-section end-input
Output files (in name directory)
Purpose: Checks the orthonormality of the SPFs. Usage: ortho<ver> [-f -i -n -r -nofs -ver -h -?] . Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i FILE : Same as -f FILE. -n step : Compute the orthonormality error only every step-th output. -r : Take the restart file rather than the psi file. -nofs : No transformation to fs. Use when "time-not-fs" was set in mctdh. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The output is to the screen and shows the square root of (1/n) times the double-sum over the squares of the matrix-elements of (ov-1) where ov denotes the overlap-matrix of the SPFs.
Purpose : Calculates the difference between two wavefunctions. See review Eqs.(159-163) for a definition of the output. Usage : overlap86 [-f -i -o -a -b -c -t -n -nofs -w -ig -ver -h -?] [Psi] . Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i FILE : Same as -f FILE. -o FILE : The overlaps are written to file rather than to ./ovl_XXX The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e. "-o no", no ovl-file will be opened. -nofs : No transformation to fs. Use when "time-not-fs" was set in mctdh. -a : Compute the overlaps according to their position on psi-file, i.e. times (tpsi) are ignored. -b : Compute the overlaps <Psi(t_final-t)|Psi1(t)>, i.e. the bra-state runs backwards in time. -c : Compute the overlaps <dconjg(Psi(t))|Psi1(t)>, i.e. the complex-symmetric scalar product is used. -p : Compute in addition the projections of the two sets of SPFs onto each other, i.e. trace O^dagger O, where O is the SPF-overlap matrix. -s s s1 : Compute the overlaps <Psi(t)_s|Psi1(t)_s1>, s and s1 denote the electronic states of bra- and ket-WF. -t tend : Compute the overlap only up to t=tend. -n step : Compute the overlap only every step-th output. -w : An existing overlap file is overwritten. -ig : Ignore "different bases" error-msg. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The argument Psi (bra-states) is the name of the file containing the comparison wavefunction (exact, MCTDH, or ML-MCTDH format). The ket-states are read from ./psi or from the file given by the -f option. If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument. NB: A ML-MCTDH WF can only be overlapped with a ML-MCTDH WF. NB: The overlap is written to the file ./ovl_XXX, the screen-output shows the error=||Psi-Psi1||. See chapter 8.2 of the MCTDH review. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Calculates the error (overlap) between the wavefunctions in ./psi (or FILE) and comp_file . The results are written to the screen and a file, the name of which depends on the input file names, or the argument of the -o option. E.g.
overlap86 ../dir/psi
calculates the error between the wavefunctions
in ./psi and ../dir/psi, and the results is stored in
./ovl_dir (unless the -o option was used). The WFs on ../dir/psi
are taken as bra-states and the WFs of the psi-file of the
current directory are the ket-states.
In contrast
overlap86 -i psi1 psi2
would calculate the error between the wavefunctions
in ./psi1 and ./psi2, storing the results in
overlap86 can compute the overlap between exact and MCTDH WFs and between MCTDH WFs with different mode combinations. However, these calculations will be slow. In general one overlaps WFs with identical mode combination schemes, different numbers of SPFs are no problem. overlap86 can also overlap ML-MCTDH WFs, but only ML with ML and the two WFs must have an identical tree-structure.
The output (on screen) is as described in the review
Eqs.(159-163). In particular: Error = ||psi1-psi2|| = Eq.(159);
Hilbert = arccos( |<psi1|psi2>|/(||psi1||*||psi2||)) =
Eq.(163); Phase = arctan( Im(<psi1|psi2>|)/
Re(<psi1|psi2>|) = Eq.(161); Ph. corr = Eq.(162).
The overlaps <psi1|psi2> <psi1|psi1> and
<psi2|psi2> are written to the file ovl_dir, where
dir denotes the name-directory of the second calculation.
If this file exist and when the option -w is not given, overlap86
will read the file ovl_dir rather than re-do the
When the option -p is given, the program additionally computes trace(P_1 P_2) = trace (O^dagger O), where P_i denotes the projector onto the SPFs of psi_i and O is the overlap matrix between the two sets of SPFs.
Purpose: Calculates the time evolution of an expectation value. Usage : pexpect [-f -i -o -g -a -r -t -p -u -n -w -ver -h -?] [mode operator]. Options : -f FILE : The operator is read from file FILE rather than from ./oper The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i FILE : The one particle density is read from file FILE rather than from ./pdensity The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -o FILE : The output is written to file rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e. "-o no", no output file will be opened. -g : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file(s). -a : GNUplot is called automatically. (sets -g and -w). -p : Print GNUplot to lpr (sets -g). -r : Do not divide the expectation values by norm^2. -t tfin : The expectation values are computed only up to time=tfin. -u UNIT : The unit used is UNITs (Default is a.u.). -n step : Compute the property only every step-th output. -w : An existing property file is overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The first argument "mode" is the (combined) mode for which the expectation value is calculated. The second argument "operator" is the name of the operator, as specified in an HAMILTONIAN-SECTION_xxx, for which the expectation value is required. If "system" is chosen as operator the uncorrelated energy of the specified mode is computed. If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument(s). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The first argument "mode" is the (combined) mode for which the expectation value is calculated. The second argument "operator" is the name of the operator, as specified in an HAMILTONIAN-SECTION_xxx, for which the expectation value is required. If "system" is chosen as operator the uncorrelated energy of the specified mode is computed. If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument(s). The operator must first have been processed by the MCTDH program. This means that it must first be set up in a .op file. If it is known before a propagation is made, this operator can be included with the system operator in the main oper file (by using a named HAMILTONIAN-SECTION_XXX). Alternatively, e.g. if a propagation has already been made, the file oper_name can be generated using the genoper=name keyword.
Start the program in the directory containing the one-particle density in a pdensity file. If no operator is given, the program looks in the oper file to see which operators are there and asks which is to be evaluated. The -o option can use a file other than this. The expectation value of this operator is then calculated for each time, and output to the file, unless otherwise instructed. The -a option enables the automatic plotting of the results. Note that pexpect computes expectation values of one-particle operators. (For combined modes this may include more than one degree of freedom). If the specified operator acts on several modes, pexpect uses only the uncorrelated part for the specified mode.
Purpose: Build and output reduced density from pdensity file. Usage : prhosub [-i -n -nw -k -q -ver -h -?] [mode [state]] Options : -i FILE : The one particle density is read from file FILE rather than from ./pdensity The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -n step : Compute the density only every step-th output. -nw : No weights are employed. Write the "naked" DVR populations. -k min max: Write the momentum spectrum for the interval min<p<max. If "-k d" is given, default values for min and max will be taken. -q pts : Use the number of pts points for representing the momentum spectrum. Default: pts = 501 This option is ignored, when -k is not given. -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The argument "mode" is the mode for which the reduced density is calculated. "state" is the electronic state. If an argument is not given, the the default value 1 will be taken. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The pdensity file must have been produced with the line pdensity=I in the run-section. Here, I is the number of the degree of freedom of interest. pdensity=I will then contain the reduced density in natural orbital representation. prhosubver produces one file of output for each tout, with the reduced density represented on the primitive grid. The columns are then x, x', real part, imag. part, absolute value. '
Start the program in the directory containing the one-particle density in a pdensity file.
Purpose: Computation of the quadratic entropy. sum p_i^2. Usage : probsq86 [-i -t -a -ver -h -?] Options : -i FILE : The autocorrelation is read from file FILE rather than from ./auto The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -a tstart: The autocorrelation function is read only from t=tstart on. -t tcut : The autocorrelation function is read only up to t=tcut -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The program computes the integral (1/T)*Int[0,T] g(t)*|c(t)|**2 dt where T denotes the final time of the autocorrelation c(t) and g(t) is some weighting function. g(t) = 1, (pi/2)*sin(pi*t/T), (pi/2)*cos(pi*t/2T), 2*sin(pi*t/T)**2. For large T this converges to Sum pi2 , where pi denotes the occupation probability of the i-th eigenstate. This sum is related to the so called quadratic entropy. Output are the values Sum pi2, 1/(Sum pi2), and -Log2(Sum pi2). If one assumes that all pi = p for i=1 to N, and zero otherwise, then 1/(Sum pi2) equals the number of states N. (Note Sum pi=1, hence p=1/N). See the appendix of Iung, Gatti and Meyer, J.Chem.Phys. 120, 6992 (2004).
Purpose: Converts the wavefunction in a psi file from MCTDH to numerically exact form. Default is single precision. To inspect the WF, the output may also be in ASCII format with or without printing coordinates (option -ort). Default is showing the "naked" DVR populations, but DVR-weights can be removed from the WF by setting the option -W (requires that -ort is also set). NB: -W does the opposite of -nw used in other analysis routines. Usage : psi2ex86 [-f -i -o -stp -n -skip -thrs -ort -ascii -W -pop2 -plot -abs -abs2 -rst -w -dp -ver -h -?] Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i FILE : Same as -f FILE. -o FILE : The output is written to file FILE rather than to ./psi.ex The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -rst : A restart file rather than a psi file is read as input. -stp step: Compute the exact WF only every step-th output. -n num : only the first num WFs are read from psi-file. -skip m : the first m WFs are skipped. -pop2 : exact WF is given in second population -plot : only meaningful if -pop2 is activated and some dof is of fft type. For each dof of fft type, the x-axis is swapped in a convenient way for further plotting. NB: the resulting WF cannot be used in a subsequent MCTDH calculation. -ort : The WF and their coordinates are written to output file. Note that -ort sets -ascii. -W : The DVR-weights are removed from the WF. Useful for plotting the WF. -W requires that -ort is set, otherwise ignored. -thrs thrs : The WF and their coordinates are written only if(abs(WF).GT.thrs). Works only with -ort. -ascii : The output file is in ascii rather than binary format. In this case the (dummy) A-vector and psiinfo are not written, i.e. the file contains the WF only. -abs : The absolute value of the exact WF is written. In this case the (dummy) A-vector and psiinfo are not written, i.e. the file contains abs(WF) only. -abs2 : Similar to -abs, but the absolute value squared of the exact WF is written. -dp : The file is written double precision. -w : An existing output file is overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The program reads the MCTDH wavefunction in a psi file and converts it to the numerically exact form, represented on the full grid. This is useful for other analyse routines. The output is by default single precision to the file psi.ex. The argument -dp forces double precision output, and -o FILE changes the output file name. The argument -pop2 gives the exact wavefunction in second population. In case some of the degrees of freedom is of fft type, the x axis (which in such a case is the momentum axis) can be swapped using the option -plot, so that it goes from negative to positive values and can nicely be plotted. In case -plot is set, the momentum grid ranges from -(gdim/2)*dp to (gdim/2-1)*dp in steps of dp, where dp=2*pi/(dx*gdim). The values for dx (grid spacing) and gdim (number of grid points) are listed in the log file. In case -plot is not set, the momentum grid runs form zero to (gdim/2-1)*dp and then from -(gdim/2)*dp to -dp.
The format of the psi file is explained in the MCTDH/Output
When the option -abs is given, the absolute value of the
wavefunction is written. In this case the file contains only the
wavefunction (i.e. no header, no dummy A-vector).
The order of the elements is like in a Fortran
array: Psi(dof_1,dof_2,...,dof_f).
To inspect the WF it may be written in ASCII format (-ascii).
Furthermore, the coordinates may be printed together with the
WF-values to an ASCII output file (-ort) and DVR-weights may be
removed from the WF (-W, requires that -ort is set).
Purpose: Converts the wavefunction of a psi file to restart format. The argument "step" is the number of the WF to be converted. Usage : psi2rst86 [-f -i -o -w -ver -h -?] step Options : -f FILE: The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i DIR : The wavefunction is read from file DIR/psi rather than from ./psi -o DIR : The output is written to file DIR/restart rather than to ./restart -w : An existing output file is overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. NB: The output is written to the file restart in the current directory, or to DIR/restart, if the option -o is given. To receive some information on the WF file, run "psi2rst nn", where nn is zero or a large number (larger than the number of WFs on file). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Analyse program "rdacoeff" (Read A-coefficients) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: Prints the A-vector of a wavefunction or restart file. Usage : rdacoeff [-f -i -n -n1 -n2 -s -max -thr -uplo -r -abs -abs2 -re -im -t -at -count -ver -h -?] . Options: -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i DIR : data is read from directory DIR -n step : Print the A-vector only every step-th output. -thr thr: Print only coefficients whose absolute values are larger than thr (default: 10^-8). -max mx : Print only coefficients whose absolute values are smaller or equal than mx. -uplo ul: Print only coefficients from the upper (ul="U") or lower (ul="L") "triangle" of the A-tensor. If ul="L" is set, only A_j1_j2... with (j1-1)/(n1-1) + (j2-1)/(n2-1) + ... <= 1 are taken into account, if ul="U" is set, only A_j1_j2... with (j1-1)/(n1-1) + (j2-1)/(n2-1) + ... > 1 are taken into account. -n1 n1 : Print only coefficients with -n2 n2 : Print only coefficients with J.le.n2. -t tm : Print only WFs with time .le. tm. -at atm : Print only WFs with time .ge. atm. -s s : Print only coefficients for state s. -count : Count the number of coeffs between thr and max. -r : Take the restart file rather than the psi file. -rst : Same as -r. -abs : Print abs(psi). -abs2 : Print abs(psi)**2. -re : Print Re(psi). -im : Print Im(psi). -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. It is in general useful to pipe the output into less: rdacoeff86 | less or to re-direct it into a file: rdacoeff86 > acoeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Analyse program "rdspf" (Read SPFs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: Prints the SPF coefficients of a wavefunction or restart file. Usage : rdspf86 [-f -i -n -s -max -thr -r -abs -abs2 -re -im -t -at -count -coord -plot -surf -s -m -spf -P -ver -h -?] . Options: -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i DIR : data is read from directory DIR -n step : Print the SPFs only every step-th output. -thr thr: Print only coefficients whose absolute values are larger than thr (default: 10^-8). -max mx : Print only coefficients whose absolute values are smaller or equal than mx. -t tm : Print only WFs with time .le. tm. -at atm : Print only WFs with time .ge. atm. -s s : Print only coefficients for state s. -m m : Print only coefficients for mode m. -spf n : Print only coefficients for SPF number n. -count : Count the number of coeffs between thr and max. -r : Take the restart file rather than the psi file. -rst : Same as -r. -abs : Print abs(psi). -abs2 : Print abs(psi)**2. -re : Print Re(psi). -im : Print Im(psi). -coord : Print coordinates rather than grid-points. -dblout : Print out coefficients in full. -plot : Plot a SPF. Only for 2D combined modes. -surf : Plot a SPF in surface mode (3D picture). -P file : Send the plot to a printer, e.g. -P "| lpr", or write it to a ps-file, e.g. -P -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. It is in general useful to pipe the output into less: rdspf86 | less or to re-direct it into a file: rdspf86 > spfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The program rdspf86 prints to screen the values which a SPF takes on its grid-points. With the option -coord it provides the coordinates corresponding to the grid-points. For 2D combined modes rdspf86 can also plot the SPF. For plotting SPFs of uncombined modes please use showspf86. For ML-runs rdspf86 will show only the SPFs of the bottom layer.
[-f -i -o -d -t -h-?] ns nmd
Analyse program "rdautoe" (Read autoe-file) Purpose : Analyses the error measures of the autocorrelation. Usage : rdautoe86 [-f -i -o -d -t -ver -h -?] [ns mode]. Options : -f FILE : the error measures are read from file FILE rather than from ./autoe The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -i FILE : Same as -f FILE -o FILE : The error measures are written to file rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e."-o no", no file will be opened. -t dt : Print the error measures every dt fs. -d : Write the difference of the autocorrelations to output file. -g : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file(s). -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. There are two arguments: The first argument is ns, i.e. the number of electronic state to be considered. The second argument is nmd, i.e. the running number of the mode to be considered. (nmd=0 -> All modes are decreased by one spf). If not enough arguments are given, the user is prompted for the missing arguments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The routine rdautoe reads the autoe-file and writes the modified autocorrelation function to the output file (e.g. which has exactly the same format as the auto file and hence may be read be the routine autospec86. By modified autocorrelation function we denote the autocorrelation which is calculated by dropping the most weakly occupied spf of mode nmd and state ns. A spf in each mode (and state) is dropped, if nmd=0. If the option -d is given, the difference of the modified autocorrelation and the (original) autocorrelation is outputted.
[-f -i -oc -on -e -ec -ea -eu -diff -g -gq -t -h -?] ns nmd
Analyse program "rdcheck" (Read check file) Purpose : Reads the check-file. Analyses the state population and natural weights. Usage : rdcheck86 [-f -i -oc -on -e -ec -ea -eu -diff -g -gq -t -n -ver -h -?] ns nmd. Options : -f FILE : The data is read from file FILE rather than from ./check The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -i DIR : Data is read from file DIR/check -oc FILE: The state populations are written to file rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e."-oc no", no file will be opened. -on FILE: The natural populations are written to file rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e."-on no", no file will be opened. If FILE=screen, the natpops are written to screen. In this case it is recommended to set additionally -s. -oq FILE: The expectation valuesIf one just wants to check the convergence of the natural weights, type: rdcheck86 0 , or, to see the development of the lowest natural weights in timesteps of 1.2 fs: rdcheck86 -t 1.2 0andare written to file rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e."-oq no", no file will be opened. -ml : Read the natural populations of the non-bottom nodes of an ML-run. In this case the first argument read is the node-number rather than the state. -e : State pops and energies [eV] are written to screen. (Nothing else is done, no additional input needed.) -ec : Similar to -e, but energies are given cm-1 -ea : Similar to -e, but energies are given au -eu UNIT: Similar to -e, but energies are given in unit UNIT. -diff : Energy differences wrt first line are printed for -e* -tr2 : Trace{rho^2} is written to screen. (MCTDH 1 part. dens.) Do not use -e, -tr2, or -entropy simultaniously. -entropy: Entropy of natural populations is written to screen. Do not use -e, -tr2, or -entropy simultaniously. -g : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file(s). -gq n : Selects the n-th dof for th qdq-plot. Sets -g. -r : Renormalise the natural weights via division by state population. -s : Suppress informative-only part of output (short output). -t dt : Print the natural weights every dt fs. Use -step for -e, -tr, etc. -last : Take the last WF when computing the maximum over time of lowest natural-weight, or when printing energy, entropy, etc. -last will only output to screen, no output files are opened. -step n : Write only every n-th step. -skip n : Skip the first n WFs. -cut n : Consider only the first n WFs. -nofs : No time units. Sets fs=1. Use, if 'time-not-fs' is set. -noev : No energy units. Sets ev=1. Use, if 'energy-not-ev' is set. -n : Sets both -nofs and -noev -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. There are two arguments: The first argument is ns, i.e. the state for which the natpops are written. (ns=0 -> no output files written). If the -ml option is set, then the first argument is ML-node for which data is written. The second argument is nmd, i.e. the running number of the mode for which the natpops are written. If not enough arguments are given, the user is prompted for missing arguments. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose : Read the DVR grid from dvr file and print it. Usage : rdgrid [ -f -i -s -oc -w -pop2 -pgrd -h -? ] dof . Options : -f FILE: the DVR file is read from file FILE rather than from ./dvr . The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -i DIR : dvr file is read from directory DIR. -s : Additional information is suppressed. -oc : One-column output enforced. -w : DVR weights are also printed. -pop2 : Grids of 2nd population are printed. -pgrd : Momentun grid-points of a FFT are printed. -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The argument dof is the number of the degree of freedom for which the grid is printed. If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This program is useful to obtain a quick overview of the actual locations of the grid points. Note that the programs showsys and showpot can show cuts of multi-dimensional potential energy surfaces by cutting at grid points only. The input values for the cuts are hence changed by these programs to take the value of the nearest grid point.
Analyse program "rdgpop" (Read grid populations) Purpose : Analyses the grid population read from file gridpop. Usage : rdgpop86 [-f -i -g -o -t -skip -cut -n -ver -h -?] [nz dof]. Options : -f FILE : the grid populations (densities) are read from file FILE rather than from ./gridpop The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -i FILE : Same as -f FILE -o FILE : The grid populations are written to file rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e."-o no", no file will be opened. -t dt : Print the maximal occupations every dt fs. -skip n : Skip the first n WFs when computing the maximum over time of the grid populations. -cut n : Consider only the first n WFs when computing the maximum over time of the grid populations. -el s : Writes the time-resolved grid-populations of electronic state s to This works only when gridpop=el is set in propagation. If -el is not given, a sum over all el. states is written to -n : No units. To be used when 'time-not-fs' is set. -g : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file(s). -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. There are two arguments: The first argument is nz, i.e. the number of grid points summed over. The second argument is dof, i.e. the running number of the degree of freedom to be considered. (dof=0 -> no output to file If not enough arguments are given, the user is prompted for the missing arguments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The grid population is summed over the first nz and the last nz points of both the spatial (DVR) grid and the basis (FBR) occupations. By varying nz one may study how much the grid may be shortened. The integer dof specifies the degree of freedom to be investigated. Depending on the MCTDH input, the grid populations are summed over all electronic states or (if gridpop=el is given in the run-section) treated separately for each electronic state. For a simple check on the convergence with respect to the primitive grids simply type rdgpop86 1 0 while being in the name directory.
Purpose: Reads information on a restart file. Usage: rdrestart86 [-f -nth -ml -all -ver -h -?] . Options : -f FILE : The restart file is read from file FILE rather than from ./restart The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -nth : Print only normthermal. -all : Print more information (except ML-tree). -ml : Print information on ML-tree (and nothing elese). -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. Note: The output is to screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose : Reads the step-file and evaluates statistic measures of the integrator steps. Usage : rdsteps86 [-f -i -ver -h -?]. Options : -f FILE : the data is read from file FILE rather than from ./steps The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -i DIR : data is stored in directory DIR -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose : Prints information on a natpot to file rdnatpot.log On demand it prints natural potentials and D-tensor. Usage : rdnatpot86 [-i -D -n -evec -b -contr -ver -h -?] Options : -i NAME : The files are read/stored in the directory NAME -D DIR : The output is written to directory DIR. This is useful, if one has no right to write to the name directory. The directory DIR must exist. The string DIR may be a relative or a full path-name. -n FILE : The potential fit is read from file FILE If "-n FILE" is not given, FILE=natpot is assumed. -evec M : The eigenvectors (natural potentials) of mode M are written to ASCII file evecThis program is useful to obtain a quick overview on what is on a given natpot file. Information on the grids, mode combinations, and numbers of SPPs are written to rdnatpot.log. On demand the program writes the natural potentials (SPPs) and the D-tensor to ASCII files.. M must not equal modc (contracted mode). If M=99 then natpots of all modes (except modc) are written. -b : Eigenvectors (natural potentials) are additionally written to binary file evecb , (if -evec is set). -contr : The contracted natural potentials of the contracted mode are written to ASCII file contr. WARNING: This may be a lot of data. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose : Reads the update steps from file "update" Usage : rdupdate [-f -i -inter -ver -h -?]. Options : -f FILE : the data is read from file FILE rather than from ./update The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -i DIR : data is stored in directory DIR -inter : enables interactive plotting -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reads the CMF step sizes from file, and removes repetition steps. The use of the -inter argument starts an menu to enable interactive plotting of the data. Without this argument, the data is written to the screen.
Purpose: Converts a restart-file to psi-file format Usage : rst2psi86 [-f -o -w -ver -h -?] step Options : -f FILE: The restart is read from file FILE rather than from ./restart The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -o DIR : The output is written to file FILE rather than to ./psi -w : An existing output file is overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. To receive some information on the restart file, run "rst2psi86 0 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose : Reads the autocorrelation from file "auto" Usage : rdauto [-f -i -inter -ver -h -?]. Options : -f FILE : the data is read from file FILE rather than from ./auto The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -i DIR : data is stored in directory DIR -inter : enables interactive plotting -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------The use of the -inter argument starts an menu to enable interactive plotting of the data. Without this argument, the data is written to the screen.
Purpose : Reads the eigenvalues from file "eigval" Usage : rdeigval [-f -i -inter -ver -h -?]. Options : -f FILE : the data is read from file FILE rather than from ./eigval The string FILE may be a relative or full path-name. -i DIR : data is stored in directory DIR -inter : enables interactive plotting -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------The use of the -inter argument starts an menu to enable interactive plotting of the data. Without this argument, the data is written to the screen.
[-T|-S|-I|-P|-M|-Ma] [-f -i -o -D -a -g -p -x -y -fac -n -w -sm -nw
-pop2 -G -inter -ver -h -?] fx sx
Purpose: To selectively plot 1-dimensional densities. Usage : showd1d86 [-T|-S|-I|-P|-E|-M|-Ma] [-f -i -o -D -a -g -p -x -y -fac -n -no -r -t -skip -nofs -l -sm -w -nw -pop2 -G -inter -ver -h -?] fx sx. Output Formats : -S : "Step through" by pressing RETURN. (default). -M : "Movie", one picture every second. -I id : "Index file", id=0 shows the first picture, id=1 the second, etc. -P pnt : "Point file", shows the population of the pnt-th grid-point over time. -E : Similar to -P, but shows the population of all grid-point over time. May be used to plot state populations of a single-set run. -T : "3D time file" (grid file). -Ma : Mathematica file (for dynamic plots). Options : -f FILE : The 1D-density is read from file FILE rather than from ./gridpop The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i DIR : Use DIR as name-directory. -o FILE : The output is written to file FILE_f* rather than to ./den1d_f* The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e. "-o no", no output file will be opened. -D DIR : The output is written to directory DIR. This is useful, if one has no right to write to the name directory. The directory DIR must exist. The string DIR may be a relative or a full path-name. -pop2 : 2nd population plotted (i.e. basis set occupations). -g : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file(s). -a : GNUplot is called automatically. (sets -g and -w). -p : Print GNUplot (sets -g). Allowed only with -I or -T. -sm : Smooth the plot-data by splines. (Only for GNUplot, sets -g). -l : Use logarithmic scale. (Only for GNUplot). -n step : Show only every step-th picture. (Only useful for -S, -M). -t tfinal : Show densities only up to t=tfinal. -skip n : Skip the first n densities. -r : Re-normalize densities. -nw : No weights are employed. Plot the "naked" DVR populations. -no : No output file opened. -nofs : No transformation to fs. Use when 'time-not-fs' was set in mctdh. -x xmin xmax : Set the abscissa length (default: auto). -y ymax : Set the upper bound of the ordinate (default: auto). -z ymin : Set the lower bound of the ordinate (default: 0 or 1d-10 (for -l)). -x, -y, -z options are ignored when -T or -Ma is set. -fac factor : Multiply the density values by factor. -G : Plot gridlines. -w : An existing output file is overwritten. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. -ver : Version information about the program The arguments fx and sx select the dof and state (x=integer). With the argument s0 a sum over all states is performed. If sx is not given, s1 is assumed. If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument. EXAMPLES: showd1d86 -a f1 showd1d86 -a -M -y 0.3 -n 2 f2 s1 showd1d86 -w -p -I 20 f1 showd1d86 -a -p -T f3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For instance, showd1d86 -a f2 would plot the density for the 2nd degree of freedom by automatically calling GNUplot. If RETURN is pressed, the density for the next output-time is shown.
The output is to a file den1d_fx_sx or den1d_fx if no state is specified. Hence, the data may be analyzed or plotted by alternative plotting software.
The state is by default taken as 1. Thus if sx is not specified as an argument the 1st state is selected. Note that there is normally only one (effective) electronic state as the densities of the different states are summed before they are written to the file gridpop. If you want to avoid this and investigate the different electronic states separately, you have to provide the keyword "gridpop=el" in the mctdh input file.
For a multi-state single-set run showd1d can be used to plot the state populations. Use showd1d86 -a -E fx, where x is to be replaced by the DOF-number of the electronic degree of freedom.
The options -T, -S, -I, and -M selects the format for the
A Gnuplot index file writes a set of data for each time:
coordinate, Abs(spf), Re(spf), Im(spf)
with 2 blank lines between. Gnuplot can then select a set using
the "index" option of the "plot" command. If -I
id is specified only the plot number id
will be plotted. (This is particularly useful when the plot should
be printed. See the -p option). If -S is
specified (or, since this is the default, if no format option is
given) one can scroll through the pictures by pressing RETURN. If
-M is specified one sees a "movie", one picture
each second.
A Gnuplot grid file (option -T) writes a set of data for each
coordinate, time, Abs(spf), Re(spf), Im(spf)
with 1 blank lines between. Gnuplot can then plot a 3D plot of
the spf evolution with time.
The mathematica option (-Ma) writes information to the screen to
be read by a mathematica script (plspf.m). This enables dynamic
If one want to use showd1d to investigate the grid populations, one should use the option -nw (no weights) because the use of weights may lead to a wrong conclusion. The option -l (logarithmic plot) is also useful when checking grid populations.
[-f -i -o -a -g -abs -abs2 -re -im -reim -sm -p -y -nw -w -ver -h
-?] fx sx
Purpose: Plot the single-particle functions of a restart file. Usage : showrst86 [-f -i -o -a -g -abs -abs2 -re -im -reim -sm -p -x -y -nw -w -G -ver -h -?] [fx sx] . Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./restart The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i DIR : Use DIR as name directory. -o FILE : The plot data is written to file FILE_f* rather than to ./rst.pl_f* The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e. "-o no", no output-file will be opened. -g : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file(s). -a : GNUplot is called automatically. (sets -g and -w). -sm : Smooth the plot-data by splines. (only for GNUplot, sets -g). -p id : Print GNUplot (sets -g). The integer id is the number of the spf to be printed. -abs : Plot absolute values. (default). -abs2 : Plot absolute values squared. -re : Plot real part (only for GNUplot, sets -g). -im : Plot imaginary part (only for GNUplot, sets -g). -reim : Plot both imaginary and real parts (only for GNUplot, sets -g). -nw : No weights are employed. Plot the "naked" DVR values. -x xmin xmax : Set the abscissa length. -y ymax : Set the ordinate length (default: auto). -G : Plot gridlines. -w : An existing output file is overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The arguments select the dof (fx) and state (sx) Replace x by appropriate number, any order is allowed. If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The state is by default taken as 1. Thus if sx is not specified as an argument the 1st state is selected.
E.g. showrst86 -a -re f2 would plot the real-part of the single-particle functions for the 2nd degree of freedom. GNUplot will be called automatically (-a option). The output is to the file rst.pl_f2.
[-spf -nat -f -i -o -a -g -p -x -y -sm -abs -abs2 -re -im -reim
-n -w -h -?] fx sx x
Purpose: To selectively plot (uncombined) natorbs or spf's. Usage : showspf86 [-T|-S|-I|-M|-Ma] [-f -i -o -a -g -p -x -y -sm -abs -abs2 -re -im -reim -n -w -nwi -nofs -spf -nat -G -ver -h -?] [fx sx x] . Output Formats : -S : "Step through" by pressing RETURN. (default). -M : "Movie", one picture every second. -I id : "Index file", id=0 shows the first picture, id=1 the second, etc. -T : "3D time file" (grid file). -Ma : Mathematica file (for dynamic plots). Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i DIR : Use DIR as name directory. -o FILE : The output is written to file FILE*_f* rather than to ./natorb*_f* The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e. "-o no", no output-file will be opened. -g : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file(s). -a : GNUplot is called automatically. (sets -g and -w). -p : Print GNUplot (sets -g). Allowed only with -I or -T. -sm : Smooth the plot-data by splines. (only for GNUplot, sets -g). -abs : Plot absolute values. (default). -abs2 : Plot absolute values squared. -re : Plot real part (only for GNUplot, sets -g). -im : Plot imaginary part (only for GNUplot, sets -g). -reim : Plot both imaginary and real parts (only for GNUplot, sets -g). -spf : Plot the of the single-particle functions rather than natorbs. -nat : Plot the of the natural orbitals rather than spf's (default). Note x=1 -> highest occupied natorb. -nofs : No transformation to fs. Use when 'time-not-fs' was set in mctdh. -nw : No weights are employed. Plot the "naked" DVR values. -n step : Show only every step-th picture. (Only useful for -S, -M). -x xmin xmax : Set the abscissa length. -y ymax : Set the ordinate length (default: auto). Ignored for -T and -Ma. -G : Plot gridlines. -w : An existing output file is overwritten. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. -ver : Version information about the program The arguments select the spf (x), dof (fx) and state (sx) Replace x by appropriate number, any order is allowed. If no argument is given, the user is prompted for the missing argument. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------E.g. showspf86 -a -spf f2 4 would plot the absolute value of the 4th single-particle function for the 2nd degree of freedom.
By default natural orbitals are output to a file natorbx_fx_sx. If the -spf flag is used, the single-particle functions are output to a file spfx_fx_sx.
The state is by default taken as 1. Thus if sx is not specified as an argument the 1st state is selected.
The options -T, -S, -I, and -M selects the format for the
A Gnuplot index file writes a set of data for each time:
coordinate, Abs(spf), Re(spf), Im(spf)
with 2 blank lines between. Gnuplot can then select a set using
the "index" option of the "plot" command. If -I id is
specified only the plot number id will be plotted. (This
is particularly useful when the plot should be printed. See the
-p option): If -S is specified (or, since this is the
default, no format option is given) one can scroll through the
pictures by pressing RETURN. If -M is specified one sees
a "movie", one picture each second.
A Gnuplot grid file (option -T) writes a set of data for each
coordinate, time, Abs(spf), Re(spf), Im(spf)
with 1 blank lines between. Gnuplot can then plot a 3D plot of
the spf evolution with time.
The mathematica option (-Ma) writes information to the screen to
be read by a mathematica script (plspf.m). This enables dynamic
[-i -D -f -n -o -pes -rst -pop2 -ver -h -?]
Purpose: Enables 2D plotting of the wavefunction or PES. Usage: showsys86 [-i -D -f -p -o -pes -nopes -n -skip -step -rst -nw -nofs -u -pop2 -pop2all -ver -h -?] Options : -i DIR : data is read from name-directory DIR. -f FILE : the wavefunction is read from FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -p FILE : the PES is read from FILE rather than from ./pes The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -o FILE : The ouput is written to file rather than to ./ The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -D DIR : The output is written to directory DIR. This is useful, if one has no right to write to the name directory. The directory DIR must exist. The string DIR may be a relative or a full path-name. -pes : only the PES file is read, i.e. no wavefunction plotting. -nopes : the PES file is not read, no potential plotting, no dia->ad trafo. -rst : the restart file is read, rather than the psi file. -n num : only num WFs are processed. -skip m : the first m WFs are skipped. -step step : only every step's WF will be processed. -nw : No weights are employed. Plot the "naked" DVR populations. (WF only). -nofs : No transformation to fs. Use when 'time-not-fs' was set in mctdh. -u UNIT : The energy unit UNIT is applied. (default for pes: eV). -pop2 : the basis set occupations are plotted rather than grid populations. For FFT this implies momentum space representation. Note: -pop2 sets -nw. -pop2all: Similar to -pop2, but now all DOFs are transformed to second population. This is only useful for cuts. Note: -pop2all sets -pop2 and -nw. -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. The program is menu driven. Just type "showsys86" or "showsys86 -pop2" or "showsys86 -pes" or "showsys86 -rst" and then follow the menu. If there are more WFs on psi file than you want to inspect, use the options -n, -skip, or -step. Example: "showsys86 -skip 10 -n 2" will plot the WFs no. 11 and 12 (i.e. t=10 and 11 if tpsi=1fs), and "showsys86 -step 10 -n 2" will plot the WFs no. 1 and 11. If one wants to plot a potential one should use "shwsys86 -pes", because otherwise the WF is read, which consumes a large amount of memory. NB1: The option -step may also be set by the menu-point 286. The WFs to be processed may also be selected by setting time bounds (menu-point 30). NB2: The options -pop2 and -pop2all are ignored for phifbr,sphfbr,k,external bases. NB3: showsys can work with ML-wavefunctions! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cuts of a potential energy surface (PES) can be generated from an pes file, and cuts and (1D or 2D) densities of the wavefunction can be generated from a psi file.
If the (1D or 2D) densities of the wavefunction are to be displayed in the second representation, i.e. as basis set occupation, momentum representation or angular momentum representation, use the option -pop2 . (This switch is not available through the menu).
After starting the program a menu is presented with the help of which one can select a plot via an interactive process. The menu offers the following choices:
x=<DOF-number>, y=<DOF-number>Rather than the DOF-number one may give the mode label of the DOF. For NOCl the following three input lines are equivalent.
x 0 y x=1,y=3 x=rd,y=theta
If the psi file contains a number of snapshots these will be displayed a shot at a time. In the default "step through" mode, press enter to change the frame. Using option 280 it is possible to change to "movie" mode, when the frames are shown at 1 second intervals. It may be useful to turn of the key (option 240) as the key (labeling contours) can cause the frames to have different sizes.
Using the "overlay" option it is possible to display a PES under the evolving wavepacket. First plot and save the PES to an xyz file (option 5). Change to plotting a wavepacket (using 10). Then turn on the overlay plots option with 400. Now with 410 the file name should be given containing the PES. The selected file name is shown. Unless the replot options are toggled (9 for the plot, 420 for the overlay) "plot to screen" (1) will now prompt for contours for both plots before plotting.
The plot data is written by showsys to the file, where it can be analyzed or plotted by alternative plotting software. See also the note on dengen86 below.
Warning: Plotting densities may take a large amount of
computer time, if the dimension is large (f>3). Because of
this it may be useful to reduce the number of plots by shortening
the time-interval. Use menu point 30 to set the time-bounds
appropriately. Alternatively (and simpler) one may use the
options -n and/or -skip and/or -step to limit the number of
wavefunctions read in and processed. E.g. showsys86 -n
11 will plot only the densities for the first 11 time-steps.
If tout=1 this means from 0 to 10 fs. showsys86 -skip 50 -n
1 will plot the density no. 51 only, and showsys86 -skip
5 -n 2 -step 10 will plot the densities no. 6, 16 and
Note that there is the routine dengen86 which generates
2D densities similar as showsys does, but, as it does not request
interactive input, it can be run in background.
Purpose : Calculate the superposition of up to 8 wavefunctions (using restart files). The superposition is written to the restart file in the name directory. Usage : sumrst86 [-mnd -D -w -ver -h -?] file.inp . Options : -mnd : Make name directory. -D name : 'name' denotes the directory where files are written to, (name in inpf file ignored). -w : Existing data is overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program. -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text.The program calculates the superposition of up to eight wavefunctions from restart files. The input wavefunctions must have the same primitive grid and mode combinations, but may differ in the number of SPF. The algorithm used is outlined as follows:
In step 8, the number of SPF for a given mode m is reduced if
the superposition is constructed from more then 2 input wavefunctions.
The new number of SPF for a given mode is the maximum number of SPF for
this mode found in the input files. That is, the largest numbers of SPF
found in the input files determine the precision of the new wavefunction.
For two wavefunctions the superposition is exact.
The program requires an input file with a RUN-SECTION and an INIT_WF-SECTION.
name=S | The name-directory to write the new restart file to |
normalize(=R|S) | Norm of the new wavefunction. The new wavefunction will be normalized to unity if no argument is given. If a real number R is given, the wave function will be scaled to norm R. Alternatively the strings S='yes' or S='no' can be given where S='yes' will result in a normalization to unity, S='no' will leave the wavefunction unchanged (same as not giving the keyword normalize at all). |
overwrite | Enable overwrite of output |
file=S | Path to a directory with a restart file |
coeff=R(,R1) | The coefficient to be multiplied to the wave function specified in the previous 'file' statement where R is the real part of the coefficient and R1 the imaginary part. |
All keywords within the INIT_WF-SECTION are mandatory. Furthermore, a file statement must be followed by a coeff statement. An example input file would look like:
RUN-SECTION name = HADplus normalize = 1 end-run-section INIT_WF-SECTION file = state0 coeff = 1.0 file = state1 coeff = 1.0 end-init_wf-section end-input
showpotver [-i -d -v -n -u -vfit -vpot -diff -abs -ver -h -?]
Purpose : plots potential and/or potential fit interactively Usage : showpot86 [-i -D -d -v -n -u -vfit -vpot -diff -abs -evec -b -contr -cpd -ig -ver -h -?] Options : -i NAME : The files are read/stored in the directory NAME -D DIR : The output is written to directory DIR. This is useful, if one has no right to write to the name directory. The directory DIR must exist. The string DIR may be a relative or a full path-name. -d FILE : The dvr is read from file FILE/dvr rather than from ./dvr or NAME/dvr -v FILE : The potential is read from file FILE If FILE is not given, FILE=vpot is assumed. If FILE=no, i.e -v no, vpot file is not read. -n FILE : The potential fit is read from file FILE If FILE is not given, FILE=natpot or FILE=cpd is assumed. If FILE=no, i.e -n no, npot file is not read. -u UNIT : The energy unit UNIT is applied. -evec M : The eigenvectors (natural potentials) of mode M are written to ASCII file evecCuts of a potential energy surface (PES) can be generated from a vpot and a natpot file. Both files are generated by the potfit program. The first one contains the exact potential on the complete product grid, the latter a corresponding fit.. M must not equal modc (contracted mode). If M=99 then natpots of all modes (except modc) are written. This works also for cpd-files. -b : Eigenvectors (natural potentials) are additionally written to binary file evecb , (if -evec is set). -contr : The contracted natural potentials of the contracted mode are written to ASCII file contr. WARNING: This may be a lot of data. Not possible for cpd. -cpd : Use a cpd rather than a natpot file. plottask is set to vfit. -vfit : Set plottask to vfit. -vpot : Set plottask to vpot. -diff : Set plottask to vfit-vpot. -abs : Set plottask to abs(vfit-vpot). -ig : ignore certain errors. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE - If the -cpd option is set a cpd-file is assumed rather than a notpot file. Note that -cpd sets -vfit, other plottasks are not possible, because there is no vpot file. - If the -n option is not used, the program assumes that a natpot file exists in the working directory (or in the NAME directory if specified). If the -v option is not used, the program looks in the same place for a vpot file. If one is present, it can be used as a comparison for the fit. - If you specify both input files, they MUST be based on the same dvr and they SHOULD be based on the same PES parameters. If the latter condition is not met a warning is issued. In this case the user should have a look at the log file showpot.log where the potfit input files of the vpot and the natpot file are stored. - If you specify -v notice that showpot loads the complete vpot file into a single precision vector held in memory. Hence, if one is dealing with a huge product grid, the loading may take a while and showpot may consume quite a bit of memory. Actually its memory consumption is of the same order as potfit's memory consumption in the single-precision mode. - The "-evec M" option lets showpot write the natural potentials (eigenvectors of the potential density) of mode M to an ASCII file evec (e.g. evec02, if M=2). If M=99 then all natural potentials (except those of the contracted mode) are written to files. The -evec option also works for cpd-files, but then writes the data in a different format - The "-contr" option lets showpot write the contracted natural potentials of the contraced mode (i.e. the coefficients) to file contraced. This may be a lot of data. Not possible for cpd.
After starting the program a menu is presented by the help of which one can select a cut via an interactive process. The menu offers the following choices:
To define a cut, one must attribute x to one coordinate, and one may attribute y to another coordinate (the latter choice generates a 2D plot). The remaining coordinates must be assigned numbers (coordinate values), but at most one of these coordinates may be assigned with the label min or max. If min or max is given, the program sets this coordinate such that the potential is minimal (maximal)with respect to variations of this particular coordinate. max is useful for the plottask abs(Vfit-Vpot).
Description of the logarithmic spacing if Gnuplot commands are included into the output file:
Purpose : Sums spectral components (output from autospec) Usage : sumspec86 [options] file1 fac1 file2 fac2 [file3 fac3 ...] Options : -i DIR : paths are relative to directory DIR -o FILE : write to file FILE. The default is: -w : overwrite enabled. -mom : computation of moments. Only one input file allowed, no output file opened. -g ncos : GNUplot command lines are written to the output file. ncos = 0,1,2 is the exponent of the cosine damping function. NB: This sets "using 1:(ncos+2)" -a : GNUplot is called automatically. (sets "-g 1"). -G : Plot gridlines. Requires -g or -a option. -x xmin xmax : The energy range is set to [xmin,xmax]. (ignored if neither -g nor -a is set). -y ymin ymax : The ordinate scale is set to [ymin,ymax]. (ignored if neither -g nor -a is set). -s shift: Shift the energy scale by -shift (ignored if neither -g nor -a is set). -S shift: Shift the energy scale by -shift Similar to -s, but this time the output file is modified. -n ndata: Read only the first ndata data-sets. -prod : The product rather then the sum is computed. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. Example: sumspec86 -a -G b2u/ 1.0 b2g/ 1.0 Following the options there follow the names of the files containing the spectral data. For all components a factor, giving the weight, and a exponent has to follow the file-name. If the latter are not given, 1.0 is assumed. output = fac1*data1**exp1 + fac2*data2**exp2 + ... If -prod is given: output = fac1*data1**exp1 * fac2*data2**exp2 * ... sumspec was designed to sum data generated by autospec. However, it can also sum other files with a time column and up to 19 data columns.The spectral component files are assumed to be generated by the autospec program, but sumspec will individually add the columns 2 - 10 of any sets of files. Before summation, the data of each column is exponentiated with the given exponent and multiplied with the given factor. The first column, which usually contains the time, must be identical for all summed files. For example, one may use sumspec to add flux files. In this case use the option "-g 2" to plot the probabilities. The factors may be negative, and there may be only one input file.
If the option -mom is given, sumspec computes the 0th, 1st, and 2nd moments and evaluates the variance. Output is to screen, no output file opened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Purpose: mount an (ML-)MCTDH wavefunction as a sub-tree into an existing ML-MCTDH wavefunction. One can also create a new top-node and mount the two wavefunctions as two modes of the new top-node as a Hartree-product. Usage: wfmount<ver> [-h|-?|-ver] [-w -mnd -D] [-n -r -l1 -l2 -rm] psi1 psi2 Psi1 is mounted into psi2. psi1 and psi2 can be either a normal MCTDH wavefunctions or ML-MCTDH wavefunctions, If psi1 and/or psi2 is a normal MCTDH wavefunction, it is converted to ML format. Normal MCTDH wavefunctions must not be multi-set or multi-package. psi1 and psi2 can either be file names of restart files or directory names containing a restart file. Mandatory options: -D, -n|-r Options: -h : Print this help-text. -? : Print this help-text. -ver : Version information. -w : Allow overwrite. -mnd : Make Name Directory. Creates the name directory, if not existent. -D <name> : Mandatory. Write output to <name>. -n <n> <m> : Mount psi1 as new mode <m> into node <n> of psi2. If <n> is -1 then a new top-node is created and psi1 and psi2 are two modes of the new top-node. In this case <m> is ignored. -r <n> (match) : Replace node <n> of psi2 with psi1. This removes the sub-tree under <n> including <n> and mounts psi1 in its place. This will result in a Hartree product in the psi2 parent node (number of SPFs in new <n> is one).' If the keyword "match" is set, then the psi1 wavefunction contains the same primitive grids as the removed subtree. The matching of the trees is done by mode-labels. DOF-renaming, -l1, -l2, is not allowed in this case. -rm Should redundant nodes appear during tree manipulations (non-primitive nodes that have only one sub-mode) remove them by multiplication into the node below. -l1 <str> : Rename DOF of psi1 to labels given in in <str>. <str> is a string enclosed in quotation marks where the DOF labels are a list of space separated labels, for instance: -l1 "r phi theta". The order is assumed to be the same as in the PBASIS-SECTION for psi1. -l2 <str> : Same as -l1 but for psi2. Important: the renaming is done before any modes are removed: if the -r option is used, also all removed DOF must be relabeled first. -a <str> : <str> is the path to a directory with an alloc file. Default: current directory. If not set and ./alloc is not present then program defauls are used. -pdf : A .dot file of the new ML-tree is written in any case. With this option a .pdf file can be created. The program will create a restart file containing the combined wavefunction and a dvr file containing all grids, where the grids of psi1 are followed by the grids of psi2. Grids for any removed DOF are not stored the new dvr file. The program may require an "alloc" file in the current directory with the sum of "maxdim" and "maxtape" of the two constituent wavefunctions.
Purpose: Computes the 2-particle density in the basis of the SPFs. Usage: twopdens [-f -i -skip -cut -n -s -m1 -m2 -noev -nofs -r -ver -h -?] . Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i DIR : data is read from directory DIR -n step : Compute the 2-particle-density only every step-th output. -skip n : Skip the first n WFs when computing the 2-particle-density. -cut n : Consider only the first n WFs when computing the 2-p-density. -s s : Compute the 2-particle-density only for state s. -m1 mm1 : Set the first mode index to mm1. -m2 mm2 : Set the second mode index to mm2. -noev : Do not print the eigenvalues. -nofs : "Time-not-fs" is set. -r : Take the restart file rather than the psi file. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. It is in general useful to pipe the output into less. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The program computes rho_{j,k;j',k'} = Sum_J A*_{j,k,J} A_{j',k',J}, where J stands for all remaining indices. Of course, j an k do not need to be the first two indices as in this example. The two modes for which rho is computed are called m1 and m2. rho is interpreted as a matrix where (j,k) and (j',k') are taken as super-indices. This matrix is then diagonalized and its eigenvalues are printed to standard output.
Purpose: calculate reaction probability with the Tannor-Weeks method (see JCP 110 (1999) 2761.) Usage: twprob86 [ -o -F -e -p -t -cos -exp -exp2 -h -? ] emin emax unit file [ edstr1 edstr2 ] Options: -o FILE : filename for output -F x : multiply output with a factor x -e R U : shift energy scale in output by value R in units U -p I : number of energy points is I (default: 500) -t tcut : read crosscorrelation function only up to T=tcut -cos n : multiply crosscorr.function with cos(pi/2*t/T))**n -exp tau: multiply crosscorr.function with exp(-t/tau) -exp2 tau:multiply crosscorr.function with exp(-(t/tau)**2) -[h?] : print this help text "emin" and "emax" together with "unit" determine the energy range of the output. "file" contains the time-dependent overlap of the propagated WF with a reference WF (output of crosscorr86). "edstr[12]" are files that contain the energy distributions of the two WFs. This can be an enerd file, or any other file, in which case the distribution is determined by columns 1 and 2 (useful for autospec/cspec/flux files). If an energy distribution is omitted, it is replaced by a constant of 1.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
This utility calculates state-resolved reaction probabilities according to the formula
from the correlation function , where denotes the initial state of the propagated wavefunction, and denotes a reference wavefunction. Δi and Δf are the energy distributions of these two wavefunctions, respectively. Either energy distribution may be omitted, in which case it is formally replaced by a constant of 1.0.
The reference wavefunction must be a direct product of a (narrow) Gaussian in the translational DOF and an internal state of the products. This internal state is chosen according to the channel you are interested in.
The energy distributions are best obtained from enerd-files. However, for the propagated wavefunction it is also possible to calculate Δi from the autocorrelation function (using crosspecver).
The usage of twprobver is usually as follows:
In practice, you will probably be interested in a lot of channels (note that with twprob there is no implicit summing like in flux), so you will want to write a script that generates the GENINWF input file, runs mctdh, crosscorr and twprob for each channel. It's advisable to make use of the readoper/readdvr options to speed up these calculations (the geninwf part of mctdh as well as crosscorr and twprob take virtually no time to complete).
The output file consists of two columns: energy E and probability P(E). E runs between the given EMIN and EMAX. Note that P(E) is set to zero for values of E that lie outside either of the two energy distributions.
Note: The distribution Δ(E) in the above formulas is called |Δ(E)|2 in section 8.6.3 of the MCTDH review.
Purpose: Finds the "num" lowest and largest points on a PES. Usage: vminmax86 [ -i -p -o -n -s -d -ham -u -w -c -t -ver -h -?] Options : -i DIR : DIR is taken as name-directory rather than ./ -p FILE : the PES is read from FILE rather than from ./pes The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -o FILE : The ouput is written to file FILE rather than to name/vmm The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. If FILE=no, i.e. -o no, no output file will be written. -n num : Print num maximal and minimal values. The default is num = 100 . Maximum is 250. -s s : Print maximal and minimal values for adiabatic state s. (Def: s=1). -d s1 s2: Print maximal and minimal values for diabatic state (s1,s2). -ham nhm: Use the Hamiltonian nhm. Default is nhm=1 (system). -srf : write full potential to ASCII file "srf.asc" (one energy per line, for use as readsrf input). -u UNIT : Use energy unit UNIT. (Default: eV). -w : Overwrite the output-file vmm. -c srf : Substract potential in file srf (one energy per line, like readsrf input) before evaluation. -t trj : Do not run over the complete grid but use dvr indices in file trj (n blank separated integers per line) -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. For a multi-state PES file the lowest adiabatic surface is analysed by default. To analyse diabatic diagonal or off-diagonal surfaces use the option -d. E.g. use "-d 1 1" to analyse the 1st diabatic state, "-d 1 2" refers to the coupling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This program is very useful for checking if the potential of the implemented operator assumes unexpectedly large positive or negative values. The pes-file is most conveniently generated by using the MCTDH option -pes.
If Hamiltonians other than the system one are to be inspected (option -ham), then these operators should be generated with the usediag keyword.
The option -t followed by a filename (trj) allows to
run over a subset of primitive grid points. The file contains the indices
of the grid points of interest as bank separated integers in ASCII format.
In addition, the option -c allows comparison of the pes-file
to the exact potential stored in a surface file (srf).
These two features are used to test an implemented cluster-expansion against the exact potential within the chkpes Python script. Here the indices represent the trajectory of a random walker and the surface file contains the exact potential energies at those points.
Purpose: Computes the projection of a WF onto one mode, i.e.: <psi|P|psi>, where P= |phi><phi| denotes a projector onto one mode. Usage : wfproj86 [-f -i -o -dvr -n -lo -hi -P -s -w -ver -h -?] Options : -f FILE : The wavefunction is read from file FILE rather than from ./psi The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -i FILE : The operator is read from file FILE rather than from ./oper The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -dvr FL : The DVR information is read from file FL rather than from ./dvr The string FL may be a relative or a full path-name. -o FILE : The output is written to FILE rather than to ./wfproj . The string FILE may be a relative or a full path-name. -n step : Compute WFProj only every step-th psi-output. -s nst : Compute the WFProj for the electronic state nst only. -lo klo : Compute WFProj only from the klo-th psi-output onwards. -hi khi : Compute WFProj only up to the khi-th psi-output. -P : Use projectors. -P is follwed by the mode number, the projector name and up to 8 parameters. The input is closed by a "%". There may be several projectors. Example: -P 3 KLeg 2 1 % -P 2 eigenf vib 6 % Most useful is the projector "read". See the documentation of flux86 for possible projectors. -w : A WFProj file may be overwritten. -ver : Version information about the program -h : Print this help text. -? : Print this help text. Example: wfproj86 -w -P 2 read ../inwf 1 1 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This program uses the same projectors as flux86. See the documentation of flux to learn more about the projectors implemented. The most useful projector is possibly the read projector. Here the projector is build from an SPF which is read form a foreign restart file. Note that there may be more than one projector. If the MCTDH wavefunction is expanded in p modes (particles) then there may be at most p-1 projectors.
There are a number of shell scripts located on $MCTDH_DIR/bin, which enable a convenient plotting of some results of an MCTDH calculation. In general, these scripts call one of the above analyse routines, write the output to a temporary file and plot it using GNUPLOT. (A GNUPLOT of version 3.7 or higher should be used). The default version of the called analyse routines is ver=86. This may be changed by setting the environment variable $MCTDH_VERSION or by using the option -v. The name directory mustbe the current directory when executing the pl-scripts. The pl-scripts allow for options and some scripts need arguments. A help text is always generated by executing plxxx -h .
The different scripts support different options. If appropriate, however, the scripts commonly support the following options:
-h : print a help text. -a val : set lower range of x to val. -x val : set upper range of x to val. -y val : set upper range of y to val. -z val : set lower range of y to val. -G : draw grid lines. -l : use logarithmic scale for y. -s : suppress messages of the called analyse program. -v val : set the version number of the analyse program to be called to val.
-p : prompt for printing the plot at default printer lpr. -P printer : specify alternative printer (e.g. -P "| lpr -Pps2"), or print to a file (e.g. -P
compile : See Installation and Compilation
cdm : A very convenient cd for the MCTDH directory. E.g
cdm linear will cd to $MCTDH_DIR/source/lib/linear. The
destination directory may be abbreviated, as long as the
abbreviation is unique. I.e. cdm lin is sufficient. The
source dirs come before all others. I.e. cdm m cd-es to
source/mctdh. To cd to doc/mctdh one types cdm doc/m. The
cdm script is part of .mctdhrc and is available only, when
working under bash.
elk_test : See Automatic Program Test
elk_test_gen : See Automatic Program Test
ddiff : compares files of current directory with those
of another directory. (not recursive). finds integer numbers of the form
close to a given number -- these are valid grid sizes for
the FFT in MCTDH. reads the lownatpop file of an ML-run
and analyse this data. The lowest and highest natural populations
are marked.
mkGpatch : makes a GNU-patch. See Applying
mkMpatch : makes a M-patch. See Applying
mdistribute : Copies the files collected by
mkMpatch or mfind to the MCTDH directory.
mreport : Copies important ASCII files of a
name-directory and tar then to a .tgz file. Please add this
mreport_<some name>.tgz to your e-mail, if you
file a bug report or ask for assistance.
mdircp : Copies a MCTDH directory to a new location,
excluding all those files which are not on the original package
before installation (e.g. object, binary, *~, and *.dvi files).
mdircp can also create tar files and may send them
to a remote host.
mfind : Finds all files of the MCTDH directory that are
newer than a specified date (default 1 day).
mcb : MCTDH Code Browser
mcg : MCTDH Code Grep
mcl : MCTDH Code List
menv : MCTDH Environment
mhelp : MCTDH short help for input
minstall : Sets environment variables and makes another
MCTDH directory active. This script is part of .mctdhrc and is
available only, when working under bash. Typing "
minstall path-of-second-MCTDH-directory " makes
the second-MCTDH-directory active.
mbackup : A simple but convenient backup script for
MCTDH developers. This backup system uses mdircp and
mdiff as well. The command lb lists the backup
directory. See MCTDH
mdiff : Compares two MCTDH directories and lists files
which differ. It can show the differences using diff or
mklinks : Creates links from
$MCTDH_DIR/source/surfaces/ to addsurf
phelp : Programmers help. Gives a description of MCTDH
vddiff : Version doc diff. Compares the
documentation of two MCTDH directories.
vrdiff : Version rest diff. Compares the 'rest'
of two MCTDH directories.
vsdiff : Version source diff. Compares the source
of two MCTDH directories.