Surface Science & Analytics - Prof. (apl.) Dr. Michael Zharnikov

Surface Science & Analytics
Welcome to the website of the Surface Science & Analytics group! We are interested in (1) basic understanding of molecular self-assembly on solid substrates; (2) modification of molecular films by X-rays, electron irradiation, UV light, and plasma as well as in related lithographic approaches and applications; (3) organic electronics and photovoltaics; (4) molecular electronics; (5) dynamics of charge transfer in molecular assemblies; (6) free-standing nonomembranes on the basis of molecular films; (7) hybrid metal-organic films; (8) metallo-organic assembles and metal-organic frameworks; (9) DNA films, (10) electronic and molecular structure of liquids and biomolecules in their natural environment; and (11) advanced X-ray spectroscopy. We also work on dedicated industrial projects.
If you are interested, you are welcome to look at representative examples of current research, some highlights, and the publication list of the group.