Physical Chemistry of Layered Nanomaterials - Group Prof. Dr. Claudia Backes
PhysChem2D Group
Welcome to the website of the Layered Nanomaterials Group! We are interested in exploiting liquid-exfoliated layered, two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials as versatile building blocks for further solution processing and supramolecular chemistry. These include for example transition metal dichalcogenides (MoS2, WSe2…) or III-VI semiconductors (GaS). We apply a number of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques to both understand and tune the properties of a broad variety of layered materials. Very similar to graphene, these layered materials exhibit distinct physical and electronic properties from their bulk counterparts when exfoliated down to mono- or few-layered species. Size control therefore offers equally exciting possibilities to tailor materials for specific needs as surface modification and functionalisation. Interested? Find out more here.